Software vaganza 2009
By asni jatiningasih
Editor asni jatiningasih

Software Vaganza hold in 2009 that was held in East Campus Center (CC) ITB brought the topic of "3E For Life", that is Education, Entertainment, and Enterprise. Talkshow, exhibitions, and workshops the three is a series of Software Vaganza events this time.
In talkshow session, it was invited several speakers such as Armein z.Langi, STEI lecturers; IF alumnee and community representatives. In talkshows, it was discussed about the role of IF in the world of education, entertainment, and the study of informatics. In the exhibition session, it was displayed projects and school assignments of IF Students. The exhibition filled by the assistants of Laboratory Programming, Software Engineering Laboratory, and Laboratory Security Basis Data.Software that was shown vary from game application to service and complain system.In workshop session, participants are given the opportunity to learn creating simple personal web pages. Overall the event was attended by 150 people.