Formation of Young Creative Group in Guranteng Village Through Digital Literacy School
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Husna Nugrahapraja, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., who was a lecturer from SITH ITB (School of Life Science and Technology in Institut Teknologi Bandung), organized a community service in Guranteng Village, Pagerageung, Tasikmalaya, West Java in October 2021. The “Digital Literacy School 2021” workshop was attended by dozens of people from the village.
The community service was held to prepare the young people of Guranteng Village to adapt to the rapidly growing digital marketing world. Through this workshop, Husna taught basic technical skills by utilizing digital media for product marketing on social media.
Husna described the materials delivered as fundamental theories regarding creating contents for social media platforms to promote delicacy products or tourist attractions in Tasikmalaya.
"The topics I discussed include ways to create good content for the sake of selling. Through this, the advertised products can go viral to many people. I also taught them the preparation and management of online shops such as Lazada, Tokopedia, Shopee, and more. In order to do so, they need a model to understand the basic selling techniques like photography, video editing, and product-posting on social media,” he illustrated (Tasik TV).
Husna stated that the goal of this program is to form a group of creatives in Guranteng Village who possess good digital marketing skills. He hoped that they can market and sell their products on a wider scale. Moreover, introducing Tasikmalaya tourism to visitors can be accomplished through digital marketing.
“We hope that being educated with these skills may encourage more people to participate in the digital marketing world; hence, this study is not only applicable to the production and marketing aspects of both goods and tourism," he added.
During the community service, Ending Bahrum noted that the activities conducted by Husna were essential to the residents, especially in the 4.0 era. The Head of Guranteng Village believed this training would help young people in the village to catch up and adapt to the developing digital world.
Photographs: Tasik TV
Reporter: Nur Rama Adamas (Teknik Sipil, 2020)
Translator: Ruth Nathania (Teknik Lingkungan, 2019)