ITB Commemorated 99th Year of Engineering Higher Education in Indonesia

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) commemorated the 99th year of Engineering Higher Education in Indonesia (PTTI) on Wednesday (3/7/2019) at Aula Barat, ITB Ganesha Campus. Rector of ITB, vice rectors, executives, Board of Trustees, Academic Senate, professors, and other invited guests attended the ceremony.

On the commemoration, rector of ITB Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA, delivered a remark entitled “Role of Science and Technology in Regional Development in Indonesia”. He said that currently ITB receives mandates as the head of Higher Education Forum for Villages (Pertides) to develop entrepreneurship in villages, develop village-owned enterprises, and develop capable human resources in villages who can bridge interaction between villages and cities, or in the development of community.

Application of knowledge for common people, especially in villages, is also conducted by lecturers. It is facilitated by community service funding or through activities which are organized by Research Center for Rural Areas – ITB. It is also conducted to support government’s program through Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantage Regions and Transmigration of Indonesia.

“Thank you for the attention and cooperation that you have given all these years and help ITB reach this level. We will advance even more in the future,” said rector of ITB Prof. Kadarsah.

Commemoration of 99th year of PTTI commemorate the establishment of Technische Hoogeschool (TH) in 1920 as the first engineering higher education in Indonesia, before it transformed into Institut Teknologi Bandung in 1959.

The commemoration of 99th year of PTTI was held on the same occasion with the conferment of honorary degree to Ir. Theodore Permadi Rachmat. ITB also give appreciation to personals and groups/organization who have given contribution to development of science, nation, and especially ITB. The appreciation is given to 28 award recipients within 6 categories, Ganesa Prajamanggala Bakti Utama, Ganesa Widya Jasa Adiutama, Ganesa Widya Jasa Utama, Ganesa Wirya Jasa Adiutama, Ganesa Wirya Jasa Utama, and ITB Press.

Ganesa Prajamanggala Bakti Utama is given to government officials who display significant contribution during their service. Ganesa Widya Jasa Adiutama is the highest appreciation for those who display significant service/achievement in development of science in international, national, and ITB level.

Ganesa Wirya Jasa Adiutama is given to those who display service or achievement in development of ITB. Ganesa Widya Jasa Utama is given to those who display service or achievement in development of science in International, national, and/or ITB. Ganesa Wirya Jasa Utama is given to those who display service/achievement in the development of ITB. And ITB Press is given to the most productive writer and writer of “Best Seller” books published by ITB Press.

Vice rector of General Administration, Alumni, and Communication of ITB, Dr. Miming Miharja said that several processes were carried for these award, beginning with proposal, evaluation, and decision process. He hopes this awarding will push the advancement of ITB and Indonesia. ”Hopefully this will motivate the award recipients to do more for the advancement of Indonesia,” he concluded.

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