ForMIND First Conference 2014: Researchers Contribution on Developing Indonesia
By Neli Syahida
Editor Neli Syahida

ForMIND First Conference 2014 was a declaration of the existence of ForMIND to Indonesian. In addition, it was also expected that this event can inspire and motivate Indonesian young researchers to always participate in development of Indonesia. Topik Hidayat, as Chairman of the Organizing Committee, emphasized the importance of synergy and contribution from various science field to develop Indonesia continuously. "Multidisciplinary cooperation is the key to make a progress," Topik said.
At the workshop, several young researchers who research constantly in their fields were presented. They were Dr. Nurul Taufiqqurahman and Dr. Miftahul Eng Munir from nanotechnology, Dr. Deni Suwardhi from sensing remote technology, and Dr. Fenny M. Dwivany, Chairman of the Banana Research Group and others research groups in food science. In addition, there was also Dr. Alvanov Zpalanzani, visual communication experts from the Faculty of Art and Design ITB who introduced the art of story telling.
Researchers Contribution for Indonesia
One of multidisiplinary collaboration program which has been conducted by ForMIND was village development. Together with Biofarma, ForMIND formed a working group whose job was guiding and assisting rural communities to develop their village to achieve economic advance in their region. The development of that village must be done by applying various field of science and technology, so that the result would be more sustainable. One of them is Taman Jaya village in the South region of Sukabumi, West Java. By considering all of its potential region, it was expected this village can be destination of word class-biology education tourism.
To execute their program, ForMIND can't work alone. It need goverment support and contribution from the whole communities. "ForMIND will communicate and cooperate continuously with central and local goverment, universities, and other nation components," Dr. Acep Furqon as The Chairman of ForMIND, said. With their four values, equality; diversity; honesty; and togetherness; ForMIND has united all of Indonesian young researchers with different backgrounds to contribute together for solving problems. The birth of ForMIND was expected to be moment of revival and new history in ordering and guiding researchers desire to give a real contribution in developing Indonesia.