Get to Know Prof. Dr. Matthias Aroef

Oleh Irfaan Taufiiqul Rayadi

Editor Irfaan Taufiiqul Rayadi

BANDUNG, – Industrial Engineering is one of long-established study programs in ITB. However, It would not have existed if it was not for Prof. Dr. H. Matthias Aroef, MSIE, IPM, a technocrat with abundant of services to Industrial Engineering in Indonesia, especially in ITB.

Matthias Aroef, Founding Father of Industrial Engineering in Indonesia
Matthias Aroef was born in Padang, 20 September 1930. His academic career began since his graduation from Mechanical Engineering Study Program, University of Indonesia with a bachelor degree in 1954. He then continued his study and obtained doctor degree in Industrial Engineering from Ohio State University, Columbus, USA.

Since returning from the USA, he began his academic career as a lecturer in ITB. He was then acknowledged to pioneer Industrial Engineering and Management major in various higher education institutions in Indonesia, and the first to initiate Industrial Engineering of ITB.

About Industrial Engineering Program
Industrial Engineering is one of study programs under the Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI) ITB along with Chemical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Industrial Engineering Management, Food Engineering and Bioenergy and Bioproducts engineering programs. A bachelor of Industrial Engineering degree faces the system. In this study program, students will face three main problems, productivity, effectiveness and efficiency.

Curriculum structure in Industrial Engineering begins with Preparation Phase (TPB), followed with subjects in study program. Common subjects in Industrial Engineering include Basic Data System, Modeling System, Industrial Organization and Management, and many more. “An industrial engineer is a Productivity Engineer wherever he goes.” Said Prof Dr. Matthias Aroef.

In 2017, Industrial Engineering of ITB has finished the renovation construction of Laboratorium Teknik (Labtek) III, which named recently as Matthias Aroef Building. Official ceremony was held on Saturday (25/03/17) at Labtek III Building.

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