Getting to Know ITB's Multicampus and Green Campus Concept at ITB Jatinangor through DKIJ Podcast
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, - The Directorate of ITB Jatinangor Campus (DKIJ) organized a podcast to introduce the concept of a multicampus and welcome new students who will be undergoing the Tahap Persiapan Bersama (TPB) at ITB Jatinangor Campus. This podcast was created with the aim of providing information and facilitating socialization.
This podcast, titled "Exploring ITB as a Multicampus and ITB Jatinangor Campus as a Green Campus," was released on the ITB Jatinangor Campus YouTube channel on Friday, July 14, 2023.
Led by Ghifalda Annisa Desomsoni, the ITB 2023 Entrepreneurship Ambassador, this episode of the DKIJ Podcast showcased four speakers. They were Yohanes Adrian Biku Pia (the ITB 2022 Cultural and Well-Being Ambassador), Zahrah Faridathul Athifah (the ITB 2022 Sustainability Ambassador and the 2022-2023 National SDGs Ambassador), and Christy Emerald Hana Pamela (the ITB 2022 Digital Communication Ambassador). All three speakers are students studying at ITB Jatinangor Campus
During her introductory speech, Ghifalda provided an overview of the ITB Jatinangor Campus, highlighting its expansive size of approximately 47 hectares. She also mentioned that a significant portion of the campus, approximately 80%, is dedicated to lush green spaces, contributing to a tranquil and peaceful environment. The campus also offers a wide range of facilities that support both academic and non-academic activities.
Furthermore, ITB possesses campuses in Cirebon, encompassing an approximate area of 30 hectares, as well as in Jakarta. The concept of ITB's multicampus continues to prioritize the Three Pillars of Higher Education: education, research, and community service. By establishing multiple campuses, ITB is able to extend its reach to a wider range of communities and foster the development of knowledge and technology that are in line with the specific regions where these campuses are located.
Furthermore, Zahra elaborated that the Jatinangor Campus of ITB is widely recognized for its commitment to sustainability and environmental consciousness, earning it the distinction of being a "Green Campus." This concept highlights the importance of creating a sustainable and vibrant environment. Green spaces have a dual function of supporting academic activities and addressing flooding issues in Jatinangor region.
In addition, Adrian and Christy discussed ITB's preparations for the arrival of new students. The preparations involve enhancing lecture buildings, expanding classrooms with audio-visual technology, improving sports facilities, expanding fields, and enhancing information access through the Student Service Center.
Various activities have been arranged to welcome new students, such as cadetship programs, study orientations, student families, and the Jatinangor Festival. Ghifalda concluded the podcast by expressing ITB's enthusiasm for welcoming new students to the Jatinangor campus, thanks to the preparations and facilities that have been provided.
Reporter: Hafsah Restu Nurul Annafi
Translator: Anggi Nurdiani
Editor: Hanifa Juliana