Ghania Shakira Saiful, Best Poster Presenter of the 4th ICPRP
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, — Students from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) once again marked their achievements on international level. This time, Ghania Shakira Saiful left her mark through achieving Best Poster, Poster Presenter category at the 4th International Conference on Pharmaceutical Research and Practice (ICPRP).
The international conference, themed “Lesson-learned from the covid-19 pandemic for the improvement of pharmacy education, research and practice”was held online on Saturday (25/6/2022).
Ghania Shakira Saiful, a student of ITB’s School of Pharmacy’s Undergraduate Program In Clinical and Community Pharmacy offered her community service work titled “Improving Apothecary Partnership Based Cadre Capacity in Utilizing Medicine Rationally and West Nusa Tenggara Province’s Mataram City’s Food Security” alongside seven other students from both ITB and Mataram University. In the conference, there were two presenter categories: oral presenter and poster presenter. Ghania presented her study results on the second and attained the Best Poster Presenter award.
When asked about her expectations, Ghania admitted her hopes to gain more knowledge and experience. “Through participating in this conference, I hope doing so means taking the opportunity to increase my knowledge from other researchers’ studies, as well as discovering new insights through listening to the foreign speakers,” stated Ghania.
At first, the conference was a part of the MBKM process that Ghania must participate in. Together with colleagues from MBKM, Ghania received a direct offer from her supervising professor to be invited to the said conference. The preparation to compose the poster took a semester’s worth of time, from creating a questionnaire, spreading out the surveys, collecting data, tabulating data, and lastly working on the poster itself.
In forming strategy, Ghania felt that a partner who can co-evaluate each other is essential to have, as well as paying attention towards the design, besides the research content. According to Ghania, poster visualization is an important aspect to be mindful of. “In my opinion, a poster must be formal to deliver yet relaxed to display,” she expressed.
Reporter: Ega Anda Rista (Entrepreneurship, 2023)
Translator: Firzana Aisya (Bioengineering, 2021)