Human Resource Development Unit of ITB (UPT PSDM) held Scientific Writing Workshops as the Inauguration of UPT PSDM Writing Center
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, - Human Resource Development Unit of ITB (UPT PSDM) held a scientific paper writing workshop virtually on Monday (5/4/2021). The workshop was the kickoff of a three-day workshop series as well as the inauguration of UPT PSDM Writing Center.
BANDUNG, - Human Resource Development Unit of ITB (UPT PSDM) held a scientific paper writing workshop virtually on Monday (5/4/2021). The workshop was the kickoff of a three-day workshop series as well as the inauguration of UPT PSDM Writing Center.
The inauguration was attended by the Expert Staff to Sustainable Development, the Deputy of Strengthening Research and Development, Ministry of Research and Technology/National Agency for Research and Innovation, Prof. Dr. Ismunandar as the presenter of this event, Dr. Ir. Lusia Marliana Nurani, Ph.D., as the Head of Human Resource Development Unit, Dr. Ir. I Gusti Ayu Putri Saptawati, S., M.Comm., as the Vice Rector for Resources, along with the lecturers and administrative staff of ITB.
As the opening remarks, Dr. Ir. Lusia Marliana Nurani, Ph.D. briefly explained the goals and hopes of the ITB Writing Center establishment. "ITB's Writing Center is not a one-stop fixed shop, where we leave it to be corrected by the experts, but it is our place, as writers, to find out our strengths and weaknesses through writing consultation and workshops," she explained. Afterwards, The Vice Chancellor for Resources, Dr. Ir. I Gusti Ayu Putri Saptawati, S., M.Comm., also delivered her opening remark, which was then continued by inaugurating the Writing Center.
Tips on Scientific Papers Writing
In the next session, Prof. Dr. Ismunandar delivered a presentation regarding scientific paper writing material. He said that the basic steps and knowledge of scientific writing is closely related to the role of editors and referees in determining the feasibility of publication. If the requirements of feasibility are not completely fulfilled, the paper needs to be revised by the writer. Prof. Ismunandar emphasized the improvement of the quality of the author's scientific work is what importantly matters of these revisions is.
He also explained the good structure of a scientific work consists of the title, author, work unit, abstract, background, methods, research results, conclusions, and bibliography. He emphasized that substantive content and excellent presentation are the most important aspects of a good paper. According to him, those aspects have the same function as illustration in articles, which is an important component in expressing ideas in a more meaningful, interesting and informative way. "A picture has a thousand words, an illustration can describe various meanings," he said.
Afterwards, he discussed ethics in publication and some tips on how to get the revisions accepted. He opined that a good writer must comply with the code of ethics that applies in publication, such as submitting articles to only one journal, attaching references of the research that is being discussed, listing all authors, and maintaining the authenticity of the work. He advised to be careful with plagiarism that can be detected when the writer doesn’t rephrase the sentence that was taken from the referred article.
At the end of the session, Prof. Ismunandar advised writers to follow the ACCEPTANCE rule to get the revisions accepted. ACCEPTANCE consists of the points that need to be considered in the revision, including attention to details, check and double check the work, consider the reviews, and so forth.
Reporter: Daffa Raditya Farandi (TPB SBM, 2020)
Translator: Naffisa Adyan (Oceanography, 2019)