Handing Over TVST 82, from Alumni 82 to ITB
By UKM Student English Forum
Editor UKM Student English Forum

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Room TVST A ITB has now changed its name to TVST 82. Alumni ITB 82 agreed to renovate TVST A. The handover of the renovation of TVST 82 was held on Friday (08/10/10). ITB's rector, Prof. Dr. Akhmaloka, along with the deputy rectors were present at the handover. During the handover, a teleconference was held simultaneously with Pertamina Headquarters in Jakarta.
TVST 82 now has walls of gypsum for better acoustics. Voices from outside of TVST 82 will reach the inside of TVST 82 at a far lower decibel level, so the people inside the room will not be disturbed by noises outside.
Other than that, TVST 82 is now fitted with complete multimedia equipment, allowing classes to be held by teleconference. Explained by Redesmon Munir, Chairman of the ITB '82 Reunion Committee, "Classes by teleconference are not new to ITB, however, the renovation of TVST 82 makes teleconferencing within reach of more civitas academica ITB."
"Before attending this handover, I signed an MoU with a German university," said Akhmaloka. "At this time, they talked about two main strengths of ITB. First, ITB offers many scholarships. Second, ITB's alumni network is run very well."
Akhmaloka expressed his gratitude to the sponsors and to alumni ITB 82, and emphasized, "No great university is without a strong alumni network."
Attending the handover were also Deputy Rector of Resources and Organization (WRSO) Prof. Dr. Ir. Irawati, Deputy Rector of Communication, Information, and Partnerships (WRKIK) Prof. Dr. Ir. Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, General Secretary of Alumni Union (IA) ITB Drs. Freddy Permana Zen, and Head of the Alumni Union (IA) ITB 82, Ridwan Djamaluddin.