102th Anniversary of PTTI, Minister of Health Invites to Participate in Healthcare Transformation
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id—Institut Teknologi Bandung held its 102 Years of Engineering Higher Education in Indonesia on Monday (4/7/2022). In the event, the Health Minister of Indonesia Ir. Budi Gunadi Sadikin, CHFC., CLU. also delivered his greetings and remarks.
In his speech, the Health Minister explained about the current transformation of the healthcare system in Indonesia. “In early 2020, the Indonesian healthcare system experienced a major test. Not only was there a shortage of medical devices, there was also the problem of information technology. This of course worsened the healthcare system,” he revealed.
To overcome this, the Health Minister of Indonesia carried out the healthcare system transformation based on the 6 pillars of transformation. These pillars are the transformation of primary services, transformation of referral services, the transformation of the healthcare security system, the transformation of healthcare financing, the transformation of human healthcare resources, and the transformation of healthcare technology.
Budi hopes that ITB can play a role in the transformation of this healthcare system. "ITB is expected to play a major role in creating significant changes to support the transformation of the Indonesian healthcare system," said the ITB Nuclear Physics alumni. This, according to Budi, is because ITB alumni can become pioneers in various lines and situations, even in times of crisis.
At the end of his speech, Budi wished a happy birthday as well as an appreciation for the Ganesa Prajamanggala Bakti Adiutama award he received in the event session. “Happy 102nd anniversary ITB! Hopefully this award can be a motivation for the ITB family to contribute towards the development of ITB and the nation," he concluded.
Reporter: Margareta Vidya Riswanti (Chemical Engineering, 2021)
Translator: Hanna Daniela Ayu (Aerospace Engineering, 2021)