Held a Cultural Night, SITH ITB and Kookmin University were Sharing Their Culture

Oleh Teguh Yassi Akasyah

Editor Teguh Yassi Akasyah

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - As the closing ceremony for International Student Exchange program, School of Life Sciences and Technology ,  ITB (SITH ITB)  and  College of Forest Science, Kookmin University, South Korea  organized a Cultural Night. The event was held on Sunday (02/09/14) in Hall of  ITB Jatinangor.
Cultural Night event was the closing event for the international student exchange program. between Kookmin University and SITH ITB during that week. The students of SITH ITB and Kookmin University performed their culture from each country.  Students of SITH ITB were performing a  various traditional dance, angklung, ngawih, and vocal group that carries the regional songs. Various traditional dance was including Saman dance (Aceh), Merak dance  (West Java), Topeng dance (West Java), and Lenggang Nyai dance (Jakarta). While, the team angklung sang Manuk Dadali (West Java) and I Think I love You (Korea) as a performance for Kookmin University.

Did not want to lose with Indonesia student , the students Kookmin University to display the K-POP to entertain Indonesia student . K-POP or Korean Pop is a kind of music which is indeed being popular level around the world. In addition, the students also carries Korean pop songs from South Korea.
Before Cultural Night, the student  SITH ITB and Kookmin University also invited to interact through traditional games between the two countries. SITH  ITB presented a game like cracker eating, sack race, and marble spoon. That games are closely linked to Indonesia to be introduced. While Kookmin University also introduced playing traditional Korean namely Yout zero- E, Jegi Chagi, and Bisuk Chiki.

The event was merely to get to know and to learn cultures of the respective countries. In addition, this event strengthen good relations between SITH ITB and Kookmin University. "it was very good. I really enjoy it, and Indonesian culture is so remarkable. This was a enjoyable night for me", said Sora as one of the student Kookmin University.

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