High School Visitation: SMU Negeri 1 Cisauk
By Krisna Murti
Editor Krisna Murti

Bandung, itb.ac.id - Monday (5/11), 224 students of SMU Negeri 1, Cisauk, Tangerang along with 24 of the teachers, visit Institut Teknologi Bandung. Their visitation was welcomed by staffs of Office of Vice-Rector for Communication and Secretariat, i.e Achmad Yusuf, Head of Communication and Secretariat Bureau, and Ms. Neni Juartini.
Headmaster of SMU Negeri 1 Cisauk hoped that the visitation could improve students' motivation to enrolled in ITB. After opening remarks from Achmad Yusuf on behalf of ITB, Neni gave complete presentation on ITB. The presentation included history of ITB, informations on faculty and school in ITB, how to enrolled in ITB, and facilities of ITB.