HMTL Implement Science Through Rain Garden Project in Secondary Schools
By Yasmin Aruni
Editor Yasmin Aruni

As part of the scientific environment Engineering, Environmental Engineering Student Association (HMTL) ITB is proud to be involved in the procurement of rain garden project in various secondary schools in Bandung. The project was initiated by professor of Environmental Engineering, Ir. Yuniati Zevi, M.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. This project was started in 2015 and was first built in SMAN 1 Bandung.
Rain Garden for Absorption and Filtration Water
Rain garden is a shallow basin that can hold rainwater runoff from the surrounding area then permeates it into the ground. The soil under this park is modified with various layers of filtration media, which consists of mulch, mixing soil, sand, and gravel. Layer is useful for removing pollutants or solids dissolved in the rainwater.
Rain garden was allegedly able to re-create the natural water cycle in the presence of water infiltration process. In addition, the rain garden can also reduce surface water quality problems because many carry pollutants from the yard, estate, and the home page. This specially engineered gardens fit for application in office buildings or school yard.
Dissemination of Rain Garden in various Secondary Schools in Bandung
Dissemination rain garden by HMTL ITB held through several stages. First, HMTL ITB preselect location with field survey methods. The selected area is an area that is often flooded by rainwater. In addition, the location was chosen also depends on the willingness of the school. Second, HMTL ITB signed a MoU with the school. Third, HMTL ITB arrange the socialization of rain garden to students in the schools selected. Fourth, the construction of a rain garden that involves active participation by the rest to be able to know directly the implementation of technology rain garden. School-biayakan relieved in this project. Fifth, treatment rain garden that has been built in order to always function properly.
"Rain garden project provides opportunities for HMTL ITB members to apply direct knowledge gained during college. In addition, feedback from schools that last year we've created a rain garden is very good that this project is continued this year," said Yuniar Fazriani rusmana (Environmental Engineering 2013) as Head of the Department of Professional HMTL ITB.
Having succeeded in SMAN 1 Bandung, this project then also be held at SMAN 20 Bandung. In May 2016, HMTL ITB also held the program to the students of SMPN 15 Bandung. "Thank God, school responded to this initiative with enthusiasm!" Yuni said.
Real Action to Help Solving Environmental Problems
According Yuniar, rain garden project provides an opportunity for members of HMTL ITB which is a student of Environmental Engineering ITB to apply the knowledge gained in college. In Environmental Engineering students are introduced to a variety of environmental issues, including water resource management. Rain garden project is an opportunity for students to be actively involved in conducting the survey, socialization and manufacture rain garden.
Documentation by HMTL ITB