ICS Day 2014: Forming Scientific Application for The Citizens Based on Environment and Agriculture

By Annisa Mienda

Editor Annisa Mienda

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id-Giving contribution to the public is one of basic goals for students. There are a lot of things that can be done to reach that goal, one of them is by doing community service and development. Student union of Microbiology 'Archaea' ITB applied their knowledge through community service called Integrated Community Service (ICS) Day. The ICS Day had been held since September 2014 and was closed by a highlight that was held in December in Dago Pojok, Bandung.

 ICS Day was a community service that focused on environmental and agricultural issues in Dago Pojok. "Dago Pojok is an area that has been widely known as creative village. Moreover, most of its residents have already had desire to concern about environmental and agricultural issues", stated Lika Rosliana (Microbiology 2011), General Manager of ICS Day 2014 as well as chairman of Community Service Division of Archaea ITB. ICS Day gave Dago Pojok's residents facility so that they can gain more knowledge and technology to help them achieve what they had been dreaming of. "The event is called 'Integrated' because it is expected that the event will provide an integrated activity between students, mothers, men, and children", Lika added.

In September, all of ICS Day 2014 activites were initiated. This initiation is considered as an approach from Archaea ITB to the residents. "Here, we build a cooperation with Tabobo community, an urban farming community in Bandung", said Lika. Tabobo Community had been famous for its active participation in holding beneficial events at around Dago Pojok. That is why Archaea chose this community to help them building good relation with the residents and government.
 Another series of ICS Day event was the pre-event that was held in October. The pre-event of ICS Day was stuffed with teaching children and socializing vertical garden, vermikompos, and mol fertilizer to the residents. "Vermikompos utilizes worm to fertilise the land, while the mol fertilizer utilizes microorganisms from municipal waste", said Lika. The residents in Dago Pojok used to make and sell the mol fertilizer before. However, the production was stopped because the sales was considered not to be maximal due to the dissatisfactory quality of the fertilizer. "Therefore, we plan to give them knowledge about how to make a good quality of vermikompos and mol fertilizer, so that they can upgrade the quality and selling value of the fertilizer", Lika added.
 The highlight of ICS Day 2014 presents one of the chairmen of POKJA Bandung. The attendance of the goverment's representative was aimed to launch the 'trash bank'. "It is expected that the government could give their concern to trash bank community in Dago Pojok", said Lika. Besides, there were also workshop about mushroom--that was delivered by a Microbiology lecturer--making yoghurt from corn milk that was delivered by ITB alumnus who had mastered this field. "In this workshop, student unions in ITB are also invited to give their active participation", said Lika. The event was closed by traditional games such as enggrang and kolong batok, and also cultural show like pencak silat and kecapi.

"The implementation of ICS Day 2014 is expected to build social awareness of ITB students. Therefore, they will not only focus to their academic life. Analogically speaking, if ITB is gold, then at least ITB neighborhood must be build as silver by applying various knowledge that ITB students have", stated Lika at the end of the interview.

Documentation: committe