IICIES 2013 : Globalisation of UKM for Advancement of Indonesia
By Ahmad Furqan Hala
Editor Ahmad Furqan Hala

The theme chosen for this year was felt very appropriate due to the enterpreneurship momentum in Indonesia. For about five years, CIEL ITB have been working to make a reinforcing movement for small businesses (UKM) like workshop and training, also mentorship for existing business in Indonesia. Donald Lantu, Ph,D as a head of CIEL SBM said that the conference is an effort to prepare the small businessmen to compete in the world facing ASEAN Economic Community in 2015. The expectation is all parties that have capability to help small businesses such as government and other associated league can gather and seriously talk about the future of UKM in this opportunity.
In three days conference, the speaker and experts present give critical points to create Indonesian business in world scale standard. The first day of conference was presented by Prof. Dr. Akhmaloka as ITB Head of University and Prof. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono as Dean od SBM ITB. In the first day, IICIES was jazzed up by enterpreneurship-speciality speakers. Presented in the momemnt were Mr. Syamsudin, Indonesian Deputy of Cooperation and Small Businesses Examination, Budi Gunadi Sadikin (Executive Director of PT. Bank MAndiri (Persero), Tbk.), Yanto M. Purbo (CEO of Bank Saudara - Medco Group), and Susi Pudjiastuti (Founder of Susi Air). The four magnates represent the role of decision maker and industrial driver to create globalisation of industry in Indonesia. In that warm opportunity, SBM ITB also launch a new major called Kewirausahaan (Enterpreneurship), that will be operated in ITB Jatinangor Campus.
The second day of conference is not less interesting, Sen Sandjaya, a lecturer from Monash University expressed a concept of servant leadership. This is considered important for a company leader to implement this concept in order to create a comfortabl environment for the staff and build a self respect. In parallel session, IICIES 2013 also presents interesting topics. The participant can choose one of four rooms containing a representative of different track or topics. IICIES 2013 presenting a major presentation, from enterpreneurship to creative innovation.
cited from : http://cielsbm.org

The second day of conference is not less interesting, Sen Sandjaya, a lecturer from Monash University expressed a concept of servant leadership. This is considered important for a company leader to implement this concept in order to create a comfortabl environment for the staff and build a self respect. In parallel session, IICIES 2013 also presents interesting topics. The participant can choose one of four rooms containing a representative of different track or topics. IICIES 2013 presenting a major presentation, from enterpreneurship to creative innovation.
cited from : http://cielsbm.org