Improving Competence of Mining Engineering Students, HMT-ITB Holds Training for Mining Instruments
By M. Naufal Hafizh
Editor M. Naufal Hafizh

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BANDUNG, - The Mining Engineering Students Association of Institut Teknologi Bandung (HMT-ITB) organized training for mining instruments, titled Let’s Learn Mining Instruments: Malaria. This activity was held at the Ganesha Campus on Saturday, March 2, 2024.
Malaria is a program within the Career and Professional Education Division of HMT-ITB for the 2023–2024 period. This program aims to train and develop students’ ability in utilizing mining instruments. Mining instruments encompass various tools essential for mining activites. The Malaria program received a warm welcome from all participants and the Mining Engineering Study Program at ITB.
The Head of the Career and Professional Education Division of HMT-ITB, Muhammad Agil Farhandi, underlined the importance of mastering mining instruments as they are crucial for mining design and planning.
“I hope that Malaria enables HMT-ITB members to hone their skills in using mining instruments. It’s not only about the theory but also about the practice and hard skills,” he stated.
Malaria was attended by over 200 Mining Engineering students from various classes, ranging from class 2020 to class 2022.
The training was divided into four sessions, each focusing on a specific instrument. The first session covered the use of total stations. Beginners were trained in open-environment observation, simulating conditions in an open-pit mining while advanced-level participants focused on underground surveying. The output of this training was to equip participants with the skills to measure rock deformation rates and assess tunnel stability.
The training continued with the use of handheld GPS and Brunton geological compass. Participants are trained to use GPS to determine the coordinates of a location. In this training session, participants were focused on being able to employ the Brunton geological compass to estimate the height of an object from the ground surface.
The next session involved training on measuring rock strength with the Schmidt hammer. Participants practiced the measurement process directly on the field.
Reporter: Muhammad Hanif Darmawan (Mining Engineering ‘21)
Translator: Ariq Ramadhan Teruna (Chemical Engineering ‘21)
Editor: Sherina Wijaya (Geological Engineering’19)