Improving Weather Services for Indonesia, ITB made MoU with BMKG

Oleh Bayu Septyo

Editor Bayu Septyo

Again, ITB has agreed to make a convergence of will with government's institution. It was manifested in MoU between ITB and BMKG (National Department of Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics) which was signed by BMKG's Chairman, Dr. Andi Eka Sakya, M.Eng, and Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA, as Rector of ITB on Friday (02/10/15) at Rapim Room A (Annex ITB). In welcoming the attendance of BMKG, ITB also presents their officials of organization such as Dr.Eng. Miming Miharja, ST, M.Sc.(Vice-Rector for Public Administration, Alumni, and Communication), Prof. Sri Widiyantoro, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Dean of FTTM ITB), Prof. Dr. Ir. Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, M.Sc. (Dean FITB ITB), Prof. Dr. Taufik Hidayat, DEA. (Professor of Astronomy ITB), and Dr.Eng. Totok Suprijo ( Coastal Oceanography of ITB). That document of understandings between two parties includes a commitment to improve the quality of public services, manifestation of the researchs, and the development of human qualities such as acceptance of the study program for BMKG's staff.
In his chances, Dr. Andi expressed that have occured the paradigm shift in weather disciplines internationally that must be mastered by the BMKG. This new trends consist of impact-based forecasting and risk-based warnings. With those kind of paradigm, weather information and the consequences of disaster that may occur with all its treatment should be experienced by area in question only, through accurate dissemination. Altoughg it sounds simple, Dr. Andi assesses that its implementation in basic tasks, functions, processes, and human resource development will meet a lot of complexity. Ranging from collecting the data, telecommunications systems, data analysis & models to its delivery should be done carefully and quickly. Moreover, Dr. Andi hope through this desired cooperation, in addition to overcome those problems in above can also motorize the better national weather & climate literacy."I think cooperation between us have a major impact for BMKG. Some graduates of ITB can act as the motor in development of several good methods and innovations. We should keep it up, go ahead, and multiply the benefit," said Dr. Andi.

Dr. Andi did not forget to emphasize the development of infrastructure as one of the very important item in agreement. Accuracy, as embodied in the motto of BMKG, require many of adequate equipment and systems. For that, BMKG is seriously cooperating with ITB in equipment utilization in the infrastructure that supports. With such will is expected to create synergitic eagerness between two sides to achieve maximal result for the sake of people's better life. This was later confirmed by Prof. Kadarsah, "BMKG is a strategic institution in this country, so the problem of weather, climate, and any seismicity issue can be solved in this country".

Prof. Kadarsah optimistically confident with thousands of lecturers and hundreds of Expertise Group owned by ITB, some of them are so related to what is done by BMKG. Moreover, this cooperation is believed to be very useful as concrete reference in teaching materials for students in the classroom because the data obtained directly from the field are authentic and relevant. He was also optimistic about the emergence of synergy between ITB and BMKG. "Due to this kind of thing (synergy, -ed), what we teach to the students has the relevance in the field according to BMKG," said Prof. Kadarsah.

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