How to Counter Fake News and Disinformation With “ESCAPE”
March 17, 2022LPPM of ITB Conducted a Workshop on Writing Journals
March 17, 2022SIBE 2022: Building Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure to Protect the Environment
BANDUNG,–The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (FTSL) of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) held an international conference known as SIBE (Sustainable Infrastructure and Built Environment) on March 8-9th, 2022. SIBE is conducted once every four years and this year, for the fourth conference, SIBE presented “Challenges on...
March 12, 2022ITB School of Pharmacy Professor Explains Halal Assurance Strategy for Pharmaceutical Products
Prof. Dr. ap.t Slamet Ibrahim Surantaatmadja, DEA. (ITB School of Pharmacy professor and General Head of Salman ITB Center for Halal Studies) explained about the halal assurance strategy for pharmaceutical products in a webinar held by the Pharmacy Postgraduate Student Association "BIFOSFONAT" ITB (HMPF ITB), Sunday (6/3/2022). ...
March 12, 2022Academic Activities and Student Admissions in SBM ITB Continue to Resume
PRESS RELEASE155/IT1.B03.2/HM.01/202210 March 2022BANDUNG—Regarding the circulating information about SBM (School of Business and Management) ITB not accepting student applications next academic year as well as the upcoming lecturer strike, we would like to issue several clarifications for both...
March 10, 2022Can Single-Cell Proteins Be Commercialized in Indonesia?
BANDUNG, - The ITB Chemical Engineering Study Program held a class about the commercialization of bioprocessing research and results on Wednesday (2/3/2022). The lecture invited Dr. Budi Juliman Hidayat, a biotechnology researcher from Fujifikm Diosynth Biotechnologies in Copenhagen, Denmark. He specialized in cell culture...
March 09, 2022Sustainable Strategies in Managing and Utilizing Ecosystem in Conservation Areas
BANDUNG, – The ITB Biology Study Program from SITH (School of Life Sciences and Technology) held the webinar "Sustainable Strategic Management and Utilization of Ecosystem Services in Conservation Areas" on Friday (25/2/2022). It was presented by...
March 09, 2022Palm Oil Industry as the Key to the National Economic Growth
BANDUNG, – SITH (School of Life Sciences and Technology) ITB’s Biomanagement Master's Study Program held a guest lecture about the role of palm oil industries in Indonesia’s economic growth. The session on Thursday (24/2/2022) was presented by...
March 08, 2022Guest Lecture of ITB Chemical Engineering Study Program: Challenges in Indonesia's Coal Utilization to Achieve Net-Zero Emission
BANDUNG, – The Chemical Engineering Study Program from ITB FIT (Faculty of Industrial Technology) held a guest lecture for TK4027 and TK5007 (Chemistry and Coal...
March 07, 2022