ITB Professor Forum Discusses the Epistemology of Indonesian Education

BANDUNG,—Commission III of the Professor Forum (FGB) of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) discussed the epistemology of education on Thursday (12/8/2021). They examined it through the webinar "Reframing the Epistemological Basis of Education in Facing the Future". FGB did this to formulate recommendations for the...

August 30, 2021

LPPM ITB Workshop Series: Create a Sustainable Aquaculture Industry

BANDUNG,—The Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) successfully held a Workshop Series on Friday (13/8/2021). The Workshop Series took place on the National Technology Awakening Day and the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. LPPM ITB invited Professor of the School of Life...

August 30, 2021

Metagenomic Surgery with Bioinformatics Perspective

BANDUNG,–Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) held a Bioinformatics Webinar Series #4 "Metagenomic" on Monday (16/08/2021). They invited two speakers: Husna Nugrahapraja, Ph.D....

August 30, 2021

The Story from Prof. Emir on Satellites and the Future of Life

BANDUNG, – As an archipelagic country, Indonesia is often faced with questions about creating a comprehensive communication system. Among the various alternatives available—be it cable, sea, and so on—satellites are the only answer to the problems of commercial communications in Indonesia. Thus Prof. Ir. Emir Mauludi...

August 30, 2021

Initiating Methane-Producing Products for Fuel, Three ITB Students Won the 2021 Green Scientific Competition

BANDUNG,—Three Chemical Engineering students at the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) won the 2021 Green Scientific Competition, a national-level student scientific writing competition held by the State University of Semarang. They are Daud Aditya (Chemical Engineering, 2018), Bryan Prama Ardiansyah (Chemical Engineering,...

August 30, 2021

Advantages and Impacts of Municipal Waste as Sustainable Alternative Fuels

BANDUNG, – In an attempt to enhance the penthelix synergy of ABCGM (Academic, Business, Community, Government, and Media), the Air and Waste Management Research Group from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Institut Teknologi Bandung (AWM RG FCEE ITB) held its 9th webinar titled “Prospects of Utilizing...

August 27, 2021

ITB Students Won Second Place in Nationals with "Rusun Reswara" Urban Design

BANDUNG,— Eight ITB students majoring in Architecture and URP (Urban and Regional Planning) won second place in the Village Development Planning Competition, which was organized by the Planning Specialist Association of DKI Jakarta. ...

August 27, 2021