Kemenkominfo Hopes ITB Can Drive the Digital Transformation in Indonesia
BANDUNG, - On the 101st anniversary of Technical Higher Education in Indonesia (PTTI) and the Institut Teknologi Bandung, there was a webinar with the theme “ITB for Indonesia’s Digital Transformation” on Thursday (1/7/2021). Dr. Denny Setiawan, S.T., M.T., IPM as the Director of Resource Management of the Directorate General of...
July 06, 2021ITB Virtual Seminar Reveals 5 Focuses of Accelerating Digital Transformation in Indonesia
BANDUNG, – The commemoration of the 101st PTTI with a grand theme "ITB for Indonesia Digital Transformation" opened with a webinar on Thursday (1/7/2021). The webinar presented Dr. Muhammad Hudori, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as one of its keynote speakers. ...
July 05, 2021Webinar STEI ITB: Open Data Utilization for the Development of e-Democracy in Indonesia
BANDUNG, – School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (STEI) Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) held an online webinar titled "The Utilization of Open Data in The Development of e-Democracy in Indonesia" on Monday (4/7/2021). This event is the third webinar presented by STEI ITB in commemoration of 101 years of Technical Higher...
July 05, 2021Receive an Honorary Doctoral Degree, Dr. (HC) Sam Bimbo Talks About Art and "The Love of Motherland 5.0"
BANDUNG,—In conjunction with Open Session Celebrating 101st Anniversary of Technical Higher Education in Indonesia (PTTI), Raden Muhamad Samsudin Dajat Hadjakusumah (Sam Bimbo) received an Honorary Degree from Institut Teknologi Bandung. ...
July 04, 2021Prof. Bambang Brodjonegoro Received an Honorary Doctorate Title from ITB for His Contributions to the Regional Development in Indonesia
BANDUNG, Commemoration of 101 Years of Engineering Higher Education in Indonesia (PTTI), the Rector of ITB, Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D. awarded a Doctor Honoris Causa (HC) to Prof. Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro, S.E., M.U.P., Ph.D.The award took place in the ITB West Hall on Saturday (3/7/2021) online. ...
July 03, 2021Dr. (HC) Nyoman Nuarta: Arts as a Way to the New Enthusiasm in Human Life
BANDUNG, -- Concurring with the 101st Anniversary of Technical Education in Indonesia (PTTI), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) awarded Nyoman Nuarta an Honorary Doctorate for his services in the field of art. ...
July 03, 2021ITB Awarded Doctor Honoris Causa for Sam Bimbo, Nyoman Nuarta and Prof. Bambang Brodjonegoro
BANDUNG, held an Open Session for the Commemoration of the 101st Year of Engineering Higher Education in Indonesia (PTTI) and the awarding of Honorary Doctorates to three national figures, Saturday (3/7/2021), in the West Hall ITB. The awarding of the Honoris Causa (H.C.) title was carried out virtually. ...
July 03, 2021