Receive an Honorary Doctoral Degree, Dr. (HC) Sam Bimbo Talks About Art and "The Love of Motherland 5.0"

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Vera Citra Utami

BANDUNG,—In conjunction with Open Session Celebrating 101st Anniversary of Technical Higher Education in Indonesia (PTTI), Raden Muhamad Samsudin Dajat Hadjakusumah (Sam Bimbo) received an Honorary Degree from Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Rector of ITB Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D. bestowed the Honoris Causa (HC) title to Sam Bimbo through an online broadcasting at ITB West Hall on Saturday (3/7/2021). The award was given for Sam Bimbo’s achievements and reputation in the development of painting and musical arts through a religion-based approach.

“Sam Bimbo's real work containing innovative values ??has proven to be meaningful and beneficial for the community, for the development of religious values, national culture, and humanity; for science, technology, and art," explained the Head of the Promoter Team, Prof. Dr. Setiawan Sabana about the basis for the awarding of Doctor Honoris Causa.

Sam Bimbo’s achievements and prestige in paintings is proven through the exhibitions he has held. He has experience holding solo exhibitions in Indonesia (1970, 1992, and 2007) and Bangkok (1971). Sam Bimbo also held joint exhibitions in Bandung, Yogyakarta, Bali, and Jakarta in 1995-2005.

Sam Bimbo’s paintings are everywhere. Some of them are on display at the Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok, the Indonesian Parliament Building, Singapore, and Japan. In some of his paintings, many symbols are used with the meaning of religiosity which shows the spirit of Sam Bimbo.

Sam Bimbo also exists in the field of music. As the main drafter, almost all of his songs with the Bimbo band have become works that across ages and generations. The theme of his music has similarities with the theme of his paintings, which are depicting and singing the theme of daily life, anxiety as an artist facing the dynamic era, and his attitude in the form of personal expression which is manifested in works of art to glorify the Creator.

More than 50 years of work, Sam Bimbo has produced around 800 songs in 200 albums. He has also won 12 gold discs, a Lifetime Achievement Award from the NET 4.0 Indonesian Choice Awards 2017, and a Legend Award from Anugerah Musik Indonesia. President Joko Widodo even once appreciated his music group by launching a stamp with a picture of Bimbo. Sam Bimbo has also contributed to even more art fields such as fine arts, movies, soap operas, theater, and televisions. Socio-cultural life receives a positive impact from its presence.

"The works produced by the candidate are not only to make proud of those concerned as artists, but also for alumni, ITB, and the nation, and his exemplary work should be a very good example for various professions," said the promoter team.

In addition, Sam Bimbo also fights against piracy, which is very detrimental to artists, industry, and the government. His persistence against piracy has been going on for a long time and resulted in the Copyright Law which is very important in the music industry. The Copyright Law could protect the continuity of the creative work of musicians in Indonesia.

"The candidate has a great achievement and high reputation in the development of painting and music through a religious-based approach," explained Prof. Dr. Setiawan Sabana in the Academic Accountability Report of the Promoter Team. "This field within the science of fine arts is included in the transdisciplinary category, which means synthesizing two different fields, namely art and religion which in traditional culture are one unit," he added.

The promoter team for awarding the Honorary Degree to Sam Bimbo are as follows:
1. Prof. Dr. Dody Abdasah, M.Sc., Ph.D.
2. Prof. Dr. M. Salman A. N.
3. Prof. Dr. Yasraf Amir Piliang, M.A.
4. Dr. Imam Santosa, M.Sn.
5. Dr. Tisna Sanjaya, M.Sc.

Delivering Scientific Speech

Sam Bimbo in his scientific speech entitled “Cinta Tanah Air 5.0”, or directly translates as "The Love of Motherland 5.0", conveyed the manifestation of his love as a person as well as the professional to this nation. Sam Bimbo divides Cinta Tanah Air 5.0 into five things, namely: love of family, love of painting, love of religious pop music, love of humanity, and love of God.

The singer of “Sajadah Panjang” admitted that he learned a lot about attitude in life, culture, knowledge, and sincere love from his family. His artistic gene did come from his family. "The most important thing that is built in the family is the awareness of our love being bound by brotherly ties with prayer as the glue, especially the prayers of the father and the blessing of the mother," he said.

Meanwhile, for Sam Bimbo, art is a form of love for beauty. He reminisced about his time as a student. The teacher, Prof. A. D. Pirous taught him to be patient in the learning process. He was reminded that Visual Art ITB is not an art studio that produces artists, but an educational institution that produces Bachelors and Art Experts.

As for the matter of love for the art of religious pop music, Sam Bimbo admitted that he only realized it after becoming a student. At that time, he was doing Friday prayers at the Salman Mosque, then he felt a shiver in his heart. The phrase “God is my shelter” came into existence, which he later wrote into a song called “God” and initiated a new genre in the world of pop music, namely Islamic/religious pop music.

"Talking about humanity would be useless if we don't talk about justice, especially justice in protecting copyright ownership and the economic rights of artists," said Sam Bimbo when describing love of humanity.

However, Sam Bimbo knows very well the challenges he faces can be very difficult. He also advised the younger generation to get ready. “Welcome to the Age of Disruption, where art and technology collaborate. You are the future leader of the country, have you prepared yourself?”

The last love that Sam Bimbo told was love of God. Through his artwork, he invites people to feel the longing for Rasulullah PBUH, and to experience the relationship between humans and God in any situation.

“Always intend to achieve His blessing. With love we gather and pray, with love we obey His commands and share empathy with others," said Sam Bimbo in his final statement.

Reporter: Zahra Annisa Fitri (Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, 2019)
Translator: Aghisna Syifa Rahmani (TPB SITHS 2020)

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