Indonesia's Industry Diversification Efforts in the 2012 Grand Final LRPTN
By Muhammad Fikri
Editor Muhammad Fikri

The first day is filled with talk shows and the final judging of Category C, which is a problem solving competition from PT. Krakatau Steel. Before the judging of Category C, there was a talk show with the theme of "Implementing Green Technology in the Industrial Process in Indonesia to Achieve Sustainable Development" with speakers Retno Gumilang Goddess (ITB Center for Energy Policy), Muhammad Taufik (AFR Technical Manager PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa) , and Luciawati Sunarjo (Head of the Green Industry Department, Ministry of Industry).
LRPTN 2012 Grand Final's second day, held concurrently in ITB's East and West Hall for Category A and Category B. The judges, practitioners and academics alike, shared their criticisms, appreciations, and suggestions for improvements in the future.
A discussion by student associations from four majors: Physics Engineering Student Association (HMFT) ITB, Engineering Student Association (HMM) ITB, Chemical Engineering Student Association (HIMATEK) ITB, and the School of Life Science and Technology Student Association (HIMASITH) NYMPHAEA was also held. The discussion is expected to initiate collaborative effort by the students to bring real contribution to society through the development of renewable energy from biogas. This discussion was followed by explanation of the biogas industry in Indonesia, presented by biogas entrepreneur, Andrias Wiji (alumnus of Chemical Engineering 1997).
The event was followed by an interesting talk show that's delivered by publicly recognized inspirational figures: Dian Risdianto (Manager Environment & Process Department PT. Sido appears, Derom Bangun (Vice-Chairman of the First Council of the Indonesian Palm Oil) and Nadya Fadila Saib (CEO & founder Wangsa Jelita). The theme for this talk is' Enhancing Indonesia Competitiveness through Natural Resource Management Innovation '. Successful in their respective fields, these speakers have proven their ability to innovate in the development of Indonesia's natural resources for their products.
LRPTN 2012 Grand Final is closed by the appearance of Tulus, a new, rising pop star. The closing of the annual event is expected not to be seen as the final showcase of the innovation in the country, but instead a stepping stone for students to continue to innovate even further.
The winners of LRPTN 2012
Kategori A
FIRST PLACE : Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (Shierin, Henny Sunjaya, Christine Saputra) "Pabrik Isolasi Klorofil Berbahan Baku Limbah Daun Singkong"
SECOND PLACE : Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (Ricky Tanu Pinawan, Yuliani, Winnie Teddyono) "Perancangan Pabrik Sorbitan Monooleat dari RBD Palm Oil"
THIRD PLACE : Institut Teknologi Bandung (Aditya Kris Harjanto, Rio Irawan, Stefanus Ryan Yunarto) "Pabrik Xylitol dari Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit"
Category B
FIRST PLACE : Institut Teknologi Bandung (Selly, Flabianus Hardi, Ferric Christian) "Pabrik Pelumas Nabati Berstandar Pangan dari Minyak Jarak Kaliki"
SECOND PLACE : Universitas Sebelas Maret (Hangga Ruky Warmiaji, Fawaidzdurahman, Dwi Hantoko) "Pabrik Metil Ester Sulfonat"
THIRD PLACE: Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya (Shella Permatasari Santoso, Yosephine Yulia Margaretha, Rebeca Ervina Sanjaya) "Prarencana Pabrik Glikoalkaloid dari Solanum nigrum sebagai Senyawa Aktif dalam "Glycoalderm" (Salep Anti Kanker Kulit) dengan Metode Ekstraksi Fluida Superkritis CO2"
Category C
FIRST PLACE : Institut Teknologi Bandung (Ricky Januar Utama, Anton Prayogo) "Penggunaan Katalis Nikel Berlapiskan Ceria dengan Ratio Steam-Methane Rendah untuk Menurunkan Deposit Karbon pada Tube Gas Heater"
SECOND PLACE : Universitas Lampung (Dedi Irawan, Muhammad Ahdan) "Menghambat Reaksi Cracking CH4 pada Tube Fired Heater dengan Menurunkan Fraksi CH4 untuk Meminimalkan Pembentukan Deposit Carbon"
THIRD PLACE : Universitas Indonesia (Antonius Chrisnandy, Tania Desela)
"Meningkatkan H2O/CH4 Ratio dengan Menambahkan Steam pada Masukan Gas Heater"
Adapted from Naim Abdurrachman (Chemical Engineering 2008)
LRPTN 2012 Grand Final's second day, held concurrently in ITB's East and West Hall for Category A and Category B. The judges, practitioners and academics alike, shared their criticisms, appreciations, and suggestions for improvements in the future.

The event was followed by an interesting talk show that's delivered by publicly recognized inspirational figures: Dian Risdianto (Manager Environment & Process Department PT. Sido appears, Derom Bangun (Vice-Chairman of the First Council of the Indonesian Palm Oil) and Nadya Fadila Saib (CEO & founder Wangsa Jelita). The theme for this talk is' Enhancing Indonesia Competitiveness through Natural Resource Management Innovation '. Successful in their respective fields, these speakers have proven their ability to innovate in the development of Indonesia's natural resources for their products.
LRPTN 2012 Grand Final is closed by the appearance of Tulus, a new, rising pop star. The closing of the annual event is expected not to be seen as the final showcase of the innovation in the country, but instead a stepping stone for students to continue to innovate even further.
The winners of LRPTN 2012
Kategori A
FIRST PLACE : Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (Shierin, Henny Sunjaya, Christine Saputra) "Pabrik Isolasi Klorofil Berbahan Baku Limbah Daun Singkong"
SECOND PLACE : Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (Ricky Tanu Pinawan, Yuliani, Winnie Teddyono) "Perancangan Pabrik Sorbitan Monooleat dari RBD Palm Oil"
THIRD PLACE : Institut Teknologi Bandung (Aditya Kris Harjanto, Rio Irawan, Stefanus Ryan Yunarto) "Pabrik Xylitol dari Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit"
Category B
FIRST PLACE : Institut Teknologi Bandung (Selly, Flabianus Hardi, Ferric Christian) "Pabrik Pelumas Nabati Berstandar Pangan dari Minyak Jarak Kaliki"
SECOND PLACE : Universitas Sebelas Maret (Hangga Ruky Warmiaji, Fawaidzdurahman, Dwi Hantoko) "Pabrik Metil Ester Sulfonat"
THIRD PLACE: Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya (Shella Permatasari Santoso, Yosephine Yulia Margaretha, Rebeca Ervina Sanjaya) "Prarencana Pabrik Glikoalkaloid dari Solanum nigrum sebagai Senyawa Aktif dalam "Glycoalderm" (Salep Anti Kanker Kulit) dengan Metode Ekstraksi Fluida Superkritis CO2"
Category C
FIRST PLACE : Institut Teknologi Bandung (Ricky Januar Utama, Anton Prayogo) "Penggunaan Katalis Nikel Berlapiskan Ceria dengan Ratio Steam-Methane Rendah untuk Menurunkan Deposit Karbon pada Tube Gas Heater"
SECOND PLACE : Universitas Lampung (Dedi Irawan, Muhammad Ahdan) "Menghambat Reaksi Cracking CH4 pada Tube Fired Heater dengan Menurunkan Fraksi CH4 untuk Meminimalkan Pembentukan Deposit Carbon"
THIRD PLACE : Universitas Indonesia (Antonius Chrisnandy, Tania Desela)
"Meningkatkan H2O/CH4 Ratio dengan Menambahkan Steam pada Masukan Gas Heater"
Adapted from Naim Abdurrachman (Chemical Engineering 2008)