"Industy Visit 2009" Engineering Physics 2007

Oleh asni jatiningasih

Editor asni jatiningasih

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id- ITB Engineering Physics Students (TF) 2007, on Thursday (15 / 1), visited Indonesian Aerospace (PT Dirgantara Indonesia) and PT Indonesia Power, Business Unit Saguling Generator. Initiative by students, "Industry Visit 2009" is a form of student learning in the field. "With industry visit program, it is expected we will get practical knowledge about industry as a complement lectures in the classroom," said Rahman Agil, representing TF students.


First visit to Indonesian Aerospace, students welcomed by the company. The company delivered short presentation about company profile, then continued with the presentation "Technology Applications in Aircraft Instrumentation and Control System."
Since established in 1976, Indonesian Aerospace has produced more than 300 units of aircraft and helicopters, defense systems, aircraft components, and other services. Currently, Indonesian Aerospace has 4 business units, namely aircraft (aircraft and helicopter), aircraft services (maintenance, Overhaul, repair and replacement), aerostructure (part and component, the installation part, the tools and equipment), and engineering services (communications technology , simulation technology, information technology, and design center). In the case of service aerostructure, Indonesian Aerospace is the world's aircraft industry suppliers such as Boeing, Airbus Industries, Bae Systems, Lokheed Martin, Korean Airlines Aerospace Division, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. Aircraft product that has been produced by Indonesian Aerospace suc as NC-212, CN-235 Civil, CN-235 MPA, CN-235 military, NBO-105 CB/CBS, Nas-332 Super Puma, and NBELL-412.
In a presentation about application technology in aircraft instrumentation and control system , described such as the energy system (power), aircraft systems, engine systems, navigation systems, communication systems, integrated display system, warning system, recording systems, landing wheels, and others . Power system on the plane includes power electric system and power hidraulic system. Meanwhile, the aircraft navigation system technology used automatic direction finder system, hodometer equipment system, internal navigation system, global positioning system (GPS), tactics air navigation systems, weather radar, emergency locator transmiter system, air data system,and others.
After presentation and discussion session, students walked around the industry watching the industry activities accompanied with Indonesian Aerospace guide. Some places that they visited in the industry such as metal forming shop aerostucture, surface treatment shop aerostructure, and CN-235 hangar. In addition, students also have opportunity to ride a 1:1 scale dummy planes and check the components in the plane.
By the afternoon, the trip continued to PT Indonesia Power, Business Unit Saguling Generator. Same as Indonesian Aerospace , the PT Indonesia Power, Business Unit Saguling Generator also welcomed students. Instrumentation and control Computing System  owned by Business Unit Saguling Generator presented to the students.
Saguling hydro power plant which is located about 30 km west of Bandung city has installed capacity of 4X175, 18 MW and production of electricity on average each year of 2158 GWH. Saguling hydro power plant functions in the electricity system in Java and Bali, in addition to cope the burden of the peak, it is also function as system frequency manager. This is possible with the applied of LFC (Load Frequency Control) equpment in Saguling hydro power plant. Until now, it has been operating 3 hydro power plant cascade system at the Citarum river, one of them is Saguling hydro power plant located at the most upstream. The downstream consecutive Cirata hydro power plant and Jatiluhur hydro power plant. Electricity generated by Saguling hydro power plant channeled through the  Saguling High Voltage Depot (GITET) and interconected to Java and Bali Islands through the Extra High Voltage airways  (SUTET 500 KV) for the next relay through main depot and distribution depot that distributed to consumers.
After getting an explanation about Saguling hydro power plant, students accompanied by the guide have the opportunity to visit 5 basements of Power House Saguling. Using the safety helmets, the students visited the Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG) in the first basement, generators space in the second basement, water turbine in the third basement, inner valve in the fourth basement, and the drainage of water from the turbine in the lowest basement. Generator that is used is a type of umbrella (3 Phase, Synchronous), 4X206 capacity, 1 MVA, 16.5 KV voltage, the frequency of 50 Hz, and 333 rounds Rpm. Meanwhile turbine that is used is Vertical Francis type with a capacity of 4X178, 8 MW, 333 rpm lap, normal 4X54, 8 m3/det debit on the head.
After the visit, the group of students return to ITB campus in the afternoon.

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