International Students Ardent to Participate in SITH ITB Summer School ‘Tropical Biodiversity’

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, — School of Life Sciences and Technology (SLST), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) succeeded in organizing a summer school for foreign student participants as well as ITB students from various study programs. This activity was held by the Master’s Program in Biology from 31st July to 8th August 2023.

As much as 22 ITB students and 45 foreign students from 22 different countries of Asia and Africa attended the event, with a majority being present in-class offline.

The aim of the summer school was to support the World Class University (WCU) campus internationalization program and expose ITB students to an international atmosphere. This is in line with ITB’s commitment as a prestigious educational institution, focusing on academic prestige and globalization.

According to the Chief Organizer of the Summer Course Program, Dian Rosleine, Ph.D., the Summer School program was held previously offline since 2016. The topic of biodiversity was highlighted as one of the global issues to be resolved with various approaches. Establishing connections among students could produce new ideas to help support tropical biodiversity.

The presented theme of ‘Tropical Biodiversity: Multidisciplinary Approach to Fight Natural Loss’ was filled with lectures from various experts, from the introduction of Indonesian biodiversity and its threats, methods to monitor biodiversity, its application in research, introduction to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), introduction to mathematical modeling for ecological data, as well as social and economic approaches to support conservation. Through this activity, students experienced being in a tropical region real-time, through field study and introduction to local West Java culture.

The speakers of this program included Dr. Devi Nandita Choesin, Dr. Elham Sumarga, and Prof. Anggraini Barlian (SLST) and Dr. Ikha Magdalena (FMNS) Institut Teknologi Bandung, Prof. Ko Dongwook (Kookmin University), Prof. Toshihiro Yamada (Hiroshima University), Dr. Ruliyana Susanti (National Research and Innovation Agency), Prof. Anna Nekaris (Oxford Brookes University), Klasik Beans and Novasyurahati Sukamto, M.Si (Economic Sector).

Field study was held in the rainforest region of Ir. H. Djuanda, Geological Museum, and the Rancakalong coffee industrial area. Through this direct opportunity, participants were given the opportunity to see how the concepts taught in class were applied in real contexts, as well as complementing knowledge about biodiversity use.

During the program, participants were also invited to meet and explore West Javanese culture, especially of the Sumedang region. Moreover, the program also provides cultural information exchange sessions, where participants could share knowledge and experience from their respective countries.

One of the participants from Tanzania, Hajra Faki Ali, told his reason for participation in the Summer Course program was his interest in learning about technology use for forest preservation and biodiversity. “The professor’s method of explanation was very clear and interactive with the students," commented Hajra.

Another participant from Hiroshima University, Hitoshi Aoyagi, expressed how ITB possessed various facilities to learn about biodiversity through exposure to tropical forests and local communities. “If you’re considering a course this summer, I really recommend you to learn here. The program will not disappoint you. On the contrary, it’s an invaluable opportunity," remarked Aoyagi.

The Summer Course Program received support from various parties, including the National Institute of Research and Innovation (BRIN), Klasik Beans, Fauna & Flora International-Indonesia, PT Gaia Sustainability and Engagement Agriculture Company Indonesia, PT LAPI ITB, and PT Gaia Eko Daya Buana.

After this Summer Course program, ITB and the organizing team expects the participants to recollect knowledge, inspiration, and new connections. This program will become an important step in nurturing future leaders who could face and respond to environmental challenges sustainably. With the eminent spirit of internationalization, ITB strives to provide the best education and experience for its students.

Reporter: Ardiansyah Satria Aradhana (Agricultural Engineering, 2020)

Translator : Firzana Aisya

Editor: Vera C.U.

Photos: SLST ITB Documentation

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