ISTB 2013: Develop Biological Resources in the Industrial World
By Nida Nurul Huda
Editor Nida Nurul Huda

More than 300 attendees participated in the event ISTB 2013 . The participants came from universities , institutions engaged in the research , organizations , companies , and governments , not only Indonesia but other countries such as , USA , Australia , Japan , Germany , Thailand , and Malaysia . ISTB 2013 also presents twenty- four researchers and practitioners in the field of biological science and engineering as a speaker . Party ISTB 2013 has also received 70 papers to be presented at the session flash presentasion .
Bridge between Industry and Research

" ISTB 2013 acts as a facilitator between industry and researchers . With the goal , the researchers could know what research is needed industry . Additionally , industry research also found out that a lot of research that could be applied . Having the two sides met , expectations established collaboration " , obviously Dr.Fenny Dwivany ( Chairman Events ISTB 2013) .
Health Symposium and Bio-industry Exhibition

Exhibiton themed exhibition or biological science and engineering were also brightened up the event ISTB 2013 . The exhibition, supported by the company's bio - industry featuring talk shows , demos , life music , and related products bio - industry . The exhibition is open to the general public and students in particular . " The exhibition is intended as a study in the fields of science and engineering applications hearts for visitors ," said Fenny .