ISTB 2013: Develop Biological Resources in the Industrial World

Oleh Nida Nurul Huda

Editor Nida Nurul Huda

BANDUNG , - Development of the science and engineering of biological research has led to a shift in the trend of fossil -based economy to a bio -based economy in the industrial world . Departing from these reasons , School of Life Sciences and Technology ITB ( SITH ITB ) held an International Seminar on Tropical Bio -resources for Sustainable Bio -industry ( ISTB 2013) on Wednesday and Thursday , ( 30-31/10/13 ) . With the topic of food , fiber , fuel , animal feed , fertilizer , and health , ISTB 2013 held at different places  the West Hall at the first day of ITB and ITB East Campus Center Auditorium on the second day .
ISTB Seminar 2013 brings several renowned researchers as keynote speakers who come from biological science Prof. Ferid Murad (1998 Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine from George Washington University , USA ) . Keynote speakers from the fields of food such as , Prof.James Dale ( Queensland University of Technology , Australia ) , Prof . Eiichiro Fukusaki ( Osaka University , Japan ) , Indrayana ( PT.Indofood , Indonesia ) . From the field of fiber Prof.Shuici Kawai ( Kyoto University , Japan ) . From the field of fuel present Prof.Takeshi Ohama ( Kochi Universityof Technology , Japan ) .

More than 300 attendees participated in the event ISTB 2013 . The participants came from universities , institutions engaged in the research , organizations , companies , and governments , not only Indonesia but other countries such as , USA , Australia , Japan , Germany , Thailand , and Malaysia . ISTB 2013 also presents twenty- four researchers and practitioners in the field of biological science and engineering as a speaker . Party ISTB 2013 has also received 70 papers to be presented at the session flash presentasion .

Bridge between Industry and Research

The entire event ISTB 2013 intends to bridge the industry and researchers on research that is owned by both parties. With the rapid development of bio -based industries , the expansion of networking between industry and researchers should work well . During this time , a lot of good studies in Indonesia, which only ended with the thesis and not growing .

" ISTB 2013 acts as a facilitator between industry and researchers . With the goal , the researchers could know what research is needed industry . Additionally , industry research also found out that a lot of research that could be applied . Having the two sides met , expectations established collaboration " , obviously Dr.Fenny Dwivany ( Chairman Events ISTB 2013) .

Health Symposium and Bio-industry Exhibition

In addition to the international seminar ISTB 2013 also has a series of other pickles ie , Mini Symposium and Exhibition on Health . Prof.Oliver Kayser ( TU - Dortmud , Germany ) and Iskandar ( Biofarma , Indonesia ) is present as keynote speakers in the symposium . The presentation was followed by a guest speaker with a health background . Furthermore, the participants had the opportunity to follow the Round Table Discussion with small Prof. Ferid Murad .

Exhibiton themed exhibition or biological science and engineering were also brightened up the event ISTB 2013 . The exhibition, supported by the company's bio - industry featuring talk shows , demos , life music , and related products bio - industry . The exhibition is open to the general public and students in particular . " The exhibition is intended as a study in the fields of science and engineering applications hearts for visitors ," said Fenny .

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