ITBÂ’s Rector: Graduates Must Posses Good Character

By Muhammad Fikri

Editor Muhammad Fikri

BANDUNG, Dr. Ahmaloka addressed the commencement speech during the Second Graduation Ceremony 2011/2012 on Saturday (14/04/12), stressing on the connection between science, technology, art, ethics, and character education. Science, technology, and art are signs of progress of human's civilization which have both positive and negative impacts. Dr. Ahmaloka expounded that the future growth and the impact of science, technology, and art will depend on the hands of the graduates. That is why, alongside competency on their fields, a good graduate should also possess a good character.
Character education is important to respond three issues. First, the sustainability of life on earth. Another issue is democracy. And the last issue is corruption-free society. Ahmaloka stated that science, technology, and art are mandated to the graduates to return for the good of mankind.

Role of Tertiary Institutions in Building Students' Character

Through character education, it is hoped that graduates will utilize the principle of ethics as a guide in leading life in the society. Among the factors of one's character development is the environment. That is where tertiary institutions play an important role in good character development. "Even though religion, ethics, and civics have become a part of curriculum in tertiary education, but the system and learning process are still in need of further development so that graduates will not only have the knowledge of ethics, but also the sense and sensibility. "

Teaching staffs also have to become proper role models. They also are required to guide students in facing the society outside of campus. "Natinal development must be kept in balance with its character and spiritula development; otherwise the nation will lose its purpose and directions. The real purpose is the development of science, technology, and art consciously and systematically for the good of mankind. Therefore we have to synergize science, technology, art, ethics, and character to answer all challenges posed in living as a nation," Ahmaloka said.