Rector of ITB Welcome New Students: Preserve the Norm of Academic Virtues

Oleh Anin Ayu Mahmudah

Editor Anin Ayu Mahmudah

BANDUNG, - The welcoming ceremony for new students is a form of congratulatory message as well as appeal of responsibilities entrusted to the thousands of new generation of ITB. For the 2016/2017 academic year, ITB held an open session for the new students' official acceptance on Monday (08/08/16) located in Sasana Budaya Ganesha ITB, led by Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA as the Rector of ITB. In his speech, Prof. Kadarsah proudly welcomed the new students in ITB.


Entrepreneurial Approach for Research Results

Prof. Kadarsah appealed to all students who attended the open session to always remember the campus's roles as the receptacle of intellectual activities, knowledge development, as well as character development and interaction expansion. ITB itself has always developed and maintained the norm of "Academic Virtues", the universal norm with elements such as: (1) love of truth and knowledge; (2) adherence to the scientific principals; and (3) strong commitment to the progress and welfare of science and technology.

Entrepreneurship can be regarded as a way of thinking and attitude that guide practical actions. This way of thinking and attitude allow changes in certain conditions where resources are limited and there are risks and uncertainties. This makes the entrepreneurial approach useful in bringing research results into actual change. Knowledge, as we know, is an intellectual resource that is very important in guiding the change, but the mastery of knowledge alone does not necessarily make a person capable of bringing change, because change does not work on linear logic.

Nowadays, various entrepreneurship theories have been developed to respond conflicts and problems in different contexts. Although there is a diversity of theoretical thoughts and entrepreneurship models, experts agreed that the crucial characteristics of entrepreneurs are that they must be ready to live in such risks and uncertainties, they are not scared of failure, and also they are willing to work outside of their comfort zone and ready to have a life-long learning.

Messages to the Academic Community

At the end of the speech, Prof. Kadarsah gave some messages to the new students, all administrators of the faculty/school and major, and all of academic staffs. For all of students, he advised them to use their opportunities to expand their global knowledge and improve interaction with international parties while they are studying and learning in ITB.

For all administrators of the faculty/school and major as well as all academic staffs, Prof. Kadarsah affirmed to keep improving the infrastructures and keep facillitating students in international and entrepreneurial activities. With internationalization and entrepreneurship, it is hoped that ITB would become more capable in bringing the research results as well as science and technology development to various actual changes and producing more capable graduates both for national and international scenes.

He also specifically affirmed to all of ITB new students about the responsibilities they now carry. "I remind my new students here. All of you have chosen to enroll in a public university, in each of your shoulders have been placed a mandate from this nation to improve our society. You are expected to actualize all of that wishes," he said.

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