ITB 70 Points Higher in QS World University Ranking 2018

Oleh Ahmad Fadil

Editor Ahmad Fadil

BANDUNG, – As one of leading universities in Indonesia, ITB has proven its quality with appreciation from an international survey body, QS World University Rankings ( The latest result from QS shows better position for ITB. This time, ITB sits on 331st or raised 70 position from previous rankings on 401-410th. This rise is one of the best among other universities in Indonesia. The rankings is based on academic reputation, graduate reputation, international students ratio, and research and journal publication.

According to QS, the strongest aspect of ITB is its graduate reputation in employment that score 56.1 points, followed by academic reputation with 52.9 points. ITB presents excellent achievement by maintaining 50th-100th position in Art and Design. In Engineering and Technology, ITB sits on 215th position and in Business and Management on 251th-300th position. In graduate’s quality in employment, ITB presents good result by sitting on the 201st position. The later result shows the quality of ITB graduates in their respective fields. This result will not transpire without the hard work of ITB’s academicians in implementing the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, including the hard work of lecturers and students of ITB in national and international levels.

This result will trigger ITB to show its quality to the society better. With its vision as entrepreneurial university, ITB will contribute its utmost to the society. Improvement in many aspects will be pushed with various researches, innovations and collaboration ITB will present to continue being the best in Indonesia.

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