Bandung Cloud of Knowledge: Digital Based Learning for Bandung

Oleh Shabrina Salsabila

Editor Shabrina Salsabila

BANDUNG, - The heavy rain didn't undermine the spirit of hundreds invitee that full the ITB East Hall to attend the "Improving the Quality of Teaching and Learning-Based Digital Content" seminar. Most of the invitee are the teachers and students from various high schools and vocational schools in Bandung. The seminar that was held on Wednesday (03/27/13) was the opening of Bandung Cloud of Knowledge Bandung Awan Pengetahuan (BAP).
Bandung Awan Pengetahuan is Bandung Smart City concept on education. The program is organized in cooperation with various stakeholders such as Bandung government, ITB Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Institute (LPIK ITB), and PT. Telkom Indonesia as the single sponsor for this program.
The seminar was opened by a speech from Prof. Dr. Ir. Suhono H. Supangkat, the chairman of LPIK ITB. In his speech, Suhono explained that Bandung Smart City was an idea to make Bandung a city that has abbility to connect, monitor, and control a variety of resources available to be used. BAP program is the realization of the utilization of knowledge to Bandung.
The event was also attended by the Head of Bandung Education Department, Drs. H. Oji Mahroji and Mayor of Bandung, H. Dada Rosada, SH, M.Sc. "Hopefully this forum can add insights for the audience and transfer it to the student, and also we hope that the digital-based education can support the educational progress in Bandung," said Dada Rosada at the end of his speech.
The Seminar entitled "Improving the Quality of Teaching and Learning-Based Digital Content" discussed the importance of the digital world to facilitate the process of teaching and learning activities for teachers, students, school, and parents. Also displayed examples of teaching methods using digital media made by one of the professors of the Mathematics Program, Prof.Dr. Iwan Pranoto.
BAP program itself consists of free access networks such as WiFi and wired networking internet access in every school in Bandung, the distribution of digital content or subject matter for free, as well as a portal for buying and selling course materials created by the teachers.
In the future BAP will hold a workshop on creating teaching materials and learning activities based digital content for teachers at elementary level to high school. The competition for the teachers, students, and the general public about the digital-based education with a total prize of 105 million dollars will be held through April 2013.

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