ITB Academic Dialogue with Student Representatives
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – The 2020/2021 academic year was beyond the expectations of ITB’s academic community. The COVID-19 pandemic forced most universities to carry out their activities online, including ITB.
After a year of online learning, many scholars and instructors felt its problems. Hence, ITB needs to prepare the best solutions to ensure the continual efficiency of academic activities in the future.
In the light of creating a better university experience in 2021, ITB’s Directorate of Education held an academic dialogue on Saturday (08/05/2021) by inviting representatives of each major’s student association and TPB to convey their aspirations and criticisms of online classes.
The event was conducted via digital platform for approximately five hours. It was attended by ITB’s Rector, Academic Director, Jatinangor Multicampus Director and the rest of the academic civics. The event ended with a question-and-answer session between students and the management of ITB.
Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D., Rector of ITB, started the event by stating that whatever the students felt about online classes are also experienced by the entirety of ITB’s academic civics. Because of this, empathy is needed. “We are all in this together,” she added.
The similarities in adapting, innovating, and fighting for an effective learning experience are the reasons ITB needs to plan preparations to face upcoming obstacles regarding the new normal. To do so, Prof. Reini mentioned that ITB will continue to strive so that academic activities can be done on-site or hybrid.
The event continued with a welcoming speech from ITB’s Academic Director, Dr. Ir. Arif Hariyanto, and an aspiration session from all student representatives of TPB and various majors. Each of them has their own problems, ranging from the difficulties in understanding the given materials, the lack of facilities to follow the activities, low interactivity, declining mental health, financial issues, and more.
Majority also suggested for several courses to be taught offline or hybrid with health protocols being a collective responsibility and strictly regarded.
At the end of the event, students were given the opportunity to discuss and ask the Director of Student Affairs, Director of Jatinangor Campus, and Director of Academic. During the discussion, Dr. Ir. Arif Hariyanto expressed that ITB has planned to commence offline or hybrid lectures for several classes in June and July. This will be implemented for both Jatinangor and Ganesha campuses.
Reporter: Daffa Raditya Farandi (SBM 2020)
Translator: Ruth Nathania (Teknik Lingkungan 2019)