ITB Craft Student Excels at Jogja Ceramic Festival, Illuminating Cirebon's Rich Cultural Heritage

Oleh Anggun Nindita

Editor Anggun Nindita

BANDUNG, — Adi Riyanto, a second-year student in the Craft Undergraduate Program at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), secured second place in the Creative Ceramic Contest at the Jogja Ceramic Festival 2023. His outstanding achievement is attributed to his passion for Sundanese art and culture, particularly the Cirebon traditional masks.

The Creative Ceramic Contest, held at MuseumKu Gerabah Kasongan, Yogyakarta, from July 22nd to 30th, 2023, is part of a broader initiative to revive ceramic culture in Indonesia. Under the theme "The Perfect Imperfection," participants were challenged to present works that seamlessly blend artistic and functional value with a strong conceptual foundation.

Adi's journey into ceramics began during his first year in the Common Preparatory Stage Program (TPB) at ITB. His deepening interest in the field led him to integrate theoretical knowledge with personal creativity. Assisted by mentor Rochmat Wahyu (KR 2019), Adi crafted a teapot set featuring Cirebon traditional masks, highlighting the richness of unexplored arts and cultures in Cirebon.

Adi's affinity for Indonesian culture, particularly that of West Java, inspired the teapot set's creation. The centerpiece of his work was the Cirebon mask, specifically the Panca Wanda, representing the life cycle from childhood to maturity. Each life stage symbolizes inherent imperfections and strengths, contributing to the perfection found in every human life.

Employing pinching techniques, coiling, slabbing, and casting with gypsum molds, Adi enhanced intricate details through sculpting. Choosing the single firing technique for the firing process, the teapot set eliminated the need for glazing.

Despite facing unexpected challenges, such as ceramic explosions during firing, Adi creatively correlated setbacks with the concept of perfect imperfection. Two damaged masks became a poignant representation of the stages of human life—imperfection is a possibility, and there are times when individuals stop at certain phases.

Adi's concept resonated with the judges, earning him the second position in the competition. He sees the abundance of traditional cultures at ITB Cirebon Campus as rich sources for future artistic endeavors and plans to establish Cirebon masks as a signature and identity for his future works.

Reporter: Hanifa Juliana (Urban and Regional Planning, 2020)

Translator: Hanifa Juliana (Urban and Regional Planning, 2020)

Editor: Vera Citra Utami

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