ITB and the US Embassy Sign an MoU to Support the Development of “American Corner”

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – To become a locally relevant and globally respected university, it is important for ITB to form partnerships with parties outside the campus. One recent partnership was with the US Embassy of the Public Affairs Department on Wednesday (15/02/2023). Held in ITB’s CCAR Building, the MoU that signifies the collaboration was signed by the Secretary of ITB Prof. Dr. Ing. Ir. Widjaja Martokusumo and the representative of the US Embassy Alison F. McKee.

Before Prof. Widjaja signed the document, he gave his appreciation to the US Embassy for joining in the collaboration. “We are delighted to have representatives of the US Embassy visit ITB for the MoU Signing Ceremony between Institut Teknologi Bandung and the US Embassy, especially regarding the continuation of having the American Corner in the ITB campus.”

Both ITB and the US Embassy hope that the understanding of the USA brings benefits to ITB, especially in terms of institutions. In order to do so, internal and external coordination is needed.

The Head of ITB Library, Ena Sukmana, S.Sos., conveyed that having American Corner in ITB may attract international students to visit, especially those from the US. On the other hand, the contents of the MoU agreed on several points regarding the program’s operation run by ITB Central Library. Its operational needs are listed as the following: administrative tools, events organized by the US Embassy, and more. This MoU is scheduled to be valid until next year.

Before the signing ceremony began, representatives of the embassy visited the ITB American Corner at 10.30. They had a discussion with the program’s team members, who consisted of Ena Sukmana, S.Sos., Dwina Fatimiyah Shidiq, M.I.Kom. (service coordinator), Ajeng Fatwa Fadlillah, S.Pd. (librarian).

Aside from the core members, the discussion was attended by other staff of the ITB Library, including Yoka Adam Nugrahaa, S.Sos. (Head of User Services and Scientific Literacy), Moch. Arif Trikanda S.Si. (Head of Library Information Technology), and Siti Sarah Nurbaity, S.Sos. (Head of Operations and Technical Services). The US Embassy group members who joined the discussion are Alison F. McKee (Regional Public Engagement Specialist) and Endang Sri Nuryanti (MyAmerca Jakarta).

The American Corner program has been active for approximately 15 years, even before its first MoU was ratified in November 2007. As mentioned in the document, ITB has provided a room for it at the library, Jl. Ganesa No. 10 Bandung. The program is a hub for accessing the latest information about US politics, economy, culture, education, and social welfare via collections of books, magazines, journals, CD-ROMs, DVDs, online databases, and other activities that are open to the public. Moreover, other facilities are provided in the room such as Wi-Fi, iMac, headset, board games, Nintendo Wii, digital video conference, 3D kit (printer, scanner, doodler, and filament), maker kits (Science Kits, Kano Kits, Littlebits, Arduino), VR (virtual reality), and tools for podcasting. All these are given by the US Embassy to be used by ITB communities as well as the general public.

Several points are highlighted in the newest MoU, one of which stated that programs or activities arranged by the ITB American Corner must be carried out four times at a minimum per month. These programs must refer to the six pillars: information about the United States, alumni engagement, educational advising, English language teaching and learning, skills building, and strategic cultural program.

Reporter: Kevin Agriva Ginting (Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, 2020)
Translator: Ruth Nathania (Environmental Engineering, 2019)

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