ITB Became the Champion of ONMIPA-PT 2015

Oleh Mega Liani Putri

Editor Mega Liani Putri

BANDUNG, - Again, ITB diligates became the champion of National Olympiad of Mathematics and Natural Sciences for College Students (ONMIPA-PT). ONMIPA-PT is the annual Olympiad which is held by the Directorate of Higher Education to promote the interest of learning biology, mathematics, physics, and chemistry. This year, ONMIPA-PT was held in Surabaya, Sunday-Thursday (24-28/05/2015), followed by 81 universities in Indonesia with the total of 255 students.

The Medalists of ONMIPA-PT 2015

This year, ITB got 7 golds, 8 silvers, 5 bronzes, and 2 honorable mentions. In mathemathics, the golds were taken by Muhammad Al Kahfi (FMIPA 2014) as the absolute winner and Afif Humam (Mathemathics 2011), the silvers by Brilly Maxel Salindeho (Mathemathics 2011) and Galih Pradananta (Mathemathics 2012) , the bronze by Yusuf Hafidh (Mathemathics 2013). In physics, the golds belong to Werdi Wedana Gunawan (Engineering Physics 2013) as the absolute winner, Muahmmad Syamsul Arifin (Engineering Physics 2013), and Bagus Dewangga (Engineering Physics 2012), the silvers then by Ramadhiansyah (Physics 2013), Trendy Prima Wijaya (FTI 2014), and Bintang Alam Semesta.

In chemistry, the golds was taken by Ivan Kurniawan (Chemistry 2013), the silvers by Muhammad Ghifari Ridwan (Petroleum Engineering 2013)  dan Muhsin Ali Hadi (Chemistry 2011), the bronzes by Muhammad Faqih Alwi (Chemical Engineering 2013), Muhammad Farras Wibisono (Chemical Engineering 2012), and Wahyu Orphan Kuswantoro (FMIPA 2014), also the honorable mention went to Alfino Rahel (FTI 2014). In biology, the gold belongs to Muhammad Fauzi Ramadhani Nasution (Microbiology 2012) as the absolute winner, the silver to Tirta Widi Gilang Citradi (Microbiology 2012), the bronze to Fania Feby Ramadhani (Biology 2013), and the honorable mention went to Khoirunnisa Istiqomah (Biology 2013)

This is the prove of ITB's consistency in surpassing UGM, UI, ITB, and other colleges in ONMIPA-PT. The champions will go to international Olympiad after this.

The one who got the most attention is Muhammad Al-Kahfi, the freshman who became the absolute winner in mathematics, beating all of his seniors. "What differentiates us with other universities is our teamwork. We supported each other without treating each other as competitors," Kahfi said.

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