ITB Being Champion of Indonesian Undergraduate Geophysics Competition 2015
By Bayu Rian Ardiyansyah
Editor Bayu Rian Ardiyansyah

After setting aside seven teams of competitor, ITB team that was represented by Maria Binar (Geophysics Engineering 2011) and Argand Bimantara (Geophysics Engineering 2010) went to big five round of geophysical survey design. They presented topic about geothermal that was same like Gajah Mada University (UGM) team and Padjajaran University (Unpad) team, meanwhile UPN Veteran Yogyakarta team and Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS) team delivered mining topic. Depended on each topic selection, every team was required to present their proposal design, including geophysics method, economic aspect, human resources, and timeline.
Mayvita Dewi (Geophysics Engineering 2011) with her senior students that are Shindy Rosalia and Muhammad Razin (Geophysics Engineering 2010) succeeded to set aside ten competitor teams in interpretation quiz branch. Besides having good ability and understanding about geophysics discipline, each team also had to answer the questions quickly. Because of correct interpretation of geothermal and seismic data that was also supported by good presentation in English, Mayvita and team succeeded to won over Brawijaya University, Unpad, and Unila in big five round.
Completing the achievement of ITB teams, Durra Handri (Geophysics Engineering 2011) also succeeded to surprise the juries by his awesome ability in geophysical processing. In interview session, Mayvita said that this competition gave many lessons and advices for the improvement of her final thesis in geothermal topic. On the other side, Binar motivated others to keep studying and competing. "Spirit to increase professionalism through student association is important," said Binar.
According to the committees, IUGC is two-yearly competition in Geophysics Engineering that was proposed to increase the knowledge, keep the competitive spirit, and build good relationship among geophysics students all over Indonesia. By raising theme about "The Future of Applied Geophysics for Better Environment", IUGC 2015 brought nice dreams to make geophysics can be applied in order to realizing better environment and prosperity for humans.