ITB Dominates National Science Olympics Pertamina, 2010 Provincial Level
By UKM Student English Forum
Editor UKM Student English Forum

BANDUNG, claimed its dominance in National University Science Olympics (OSN-PTI) Pertamina 2010 in provincial level. The series of events ended on Thursday(07/10/2010). Among twelve winners of four categories, ten of whom came from ITB. These ten students are West Java representatives competing in national level on November 1-4, 2010. The other two participants are from Parahyangan University and Indonesia University of Education.
On mathematics, ITB was represented by Ismail Sunni and Rani Sasmita Tarmidi, who ended up being the champion and runner up, respectively. ITB made a clean sweep at physics and chemistry. Panji Achmari, Nabila Khrisna D., and Andi Lestari Sitepu were the winners in physics. Hafis Pratama RG, Shofarul Wustoni, and Dimas Ramadhan were winners inchemistry. Samantha Vivia and FX Reymond Sutandy were champion and runner up in biology. Provincial selection was conducted in two stages: preliminary round on Monday(27/09/10), and final round on Thursday (07/10/10). The selection was simultaneously held in 33 colleges in Indonesia's 33 provinces.
OSN-PTI is the most prestigious nationwide science competition for students of public and private colleges. This event, being Pertamina's commitment towards Indonesian education offers Rp 2,7 billion prize. This year, biology is added as the new category. This event is participated by more than 13.500 students; 132 of whom were selected to compete in national level.