ITB Dormitory, Living and Learning Community
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – ITB Dormitory held the second day of ITB Character and Motivation Development Program (PPKM) 2021 on Sunday (19/09/2021). The event includes a webinar titled “Introduction to ITB Dormitory Policies, Programs, and Activities” and a talk show. Guided by Noer Sela Rahman Faza (FT’19) and Afina Naufal Nur Islami (BM'20) via Zoom meeting platform and broadcasted live through the ITB Directorate of Student Affairs Youtube channel.
The webinar “Introduction to ITB Dormitory Policies, Programs, and Activities” was held on the first session, presenting Naufal Hanif Ramadhan (TA’18) as a speaker. Hanif who is also the General Coordinator of ITB Ganesha Dormitory started his session by introducing the profile of ITB dormitories, which are ITB Sangkuriang Dormitory, ITB Kidang Pananjung Dormitory, ITB Kanayakan Dormitory, ITB Jatinangor Dormitory, and ITB International Dormitory.
ITB dormitory has values inside the Asrama Dalam Hikmah ‘Dormitory’s Wisdom’. “this is one of the ways for us to develop and construe ITB dormitory, not only as a place to live but as a home,” said Hanif.
ITB dormitory is a place for students to improve themselves in the concept of Living and Learning Community which has 4 cultures: being kind, smile, and teamwork; discipline in time management and queue: picking, sorting, and utilizing waste; also saving and conserving water and energy.
From 2014 to 2020, ITB dormitory was managed by ITB Dormitory UPT both in infrastructure and directing. However, from 2020 until now, ITB dormitory is managed by the Directorate of Student Affairs (Ditmawa) ITB for directing and the Directorate of Facilities and Infrastructure ITB for dormitory facilities.
In carrying out the coaching function, ITB dormitory has several events to be held within a period. These events include PPKM, Centralized Coaching (PT), Dormitory Counseling and Tournaments, Cabinet Mentoring, and Academic Tutorials.
After Hanif’s presentation, the event was continued by a talk show session moderated by Muhammad Zakik ??Abidin (SI'18), presenting two speakers, Erlin Beliyana, S.Si., ITB Earth Science Doctoral Program student, and Muhammad Firman Nuruddin (OS'18). The two outstanding speakers started the talk show session by sharing their experiences and the twists and turns that they faced as ITB students.
For Firman, every single process during TPB, dormitory coaching, and while in majors is very impressive. As for Erlin, there is a lot of knowledge she didn’t even realize existed before studying at ITB. The talk show then continued with a question and answer session, which is the last agenda of the second day of PPKM.
The enthusiasm of PPKM participants for the speaker’s story that was full of achievements made the time run faster.
Before ending the second day of PPKM, there was a virtual souvenir presentation for the speakers and moderators by Nenden Rina Ratnakomala, S.T., M.T., as the Head of Sub-Directorate for Welfare and Character Development of Ditmawa ITB.
Reporter: Kevin Agriva Ginting (Teknik Geodesi dan Geomatika, 2020)
Translator: Aghisna Syifa R (Biologi, 2020)