ITB Engineering Physics Alumni Explains the Design of the Oil and Gas Industry’s Integrated Operation Center
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, - The Association of ITB Indonesian Engineers and Engineering Physics again held a webinar in the PII BKTF Knowledge Sharing series on Tuesday (31/08/2021). The event which took place virtually via Zoom Meeting had the theme "Webserver Development for PT Badak NGL Overview and Monitoring (Bontang Plant) to IOC (Integrated Operation Center) at SKK Migas' Office at Jakarta".
This webinar presents Ir. Rivon Tridesman, S.T., IPM, alumni of ITB Engineering Physics who is now working at PT Badak LNG as a Microprocessor-Based Engineer, as the main speaker.
Ir. Rivon started his session by explaining the background of the project he is currently working on at PT Badak. According to government policy, all Contractors Cooperation Contract (K3S), namely parties who exploit oil and gas in an area, are under the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas). In 2019 SKK Migas issued a policy that asked K3S to link its database with the government's IOC.
"The development of the IOC is carried out with the aim that SKK Migas can monitor the important points of all K3S so that they can make decisions quickly," said Ir. Rivon. According to him, this policy requires PT Badak to integrate its database so as to be monitored by SKK Migas' IOC.
While doing the integration process, Ir. Rivon said that several things need attention. The first is to determine the most effective and safe method for transmitting data. The second is the compatibility of the system with the PTB control system.
PTB Control System
Ir. Rivon then continued his explanation of the PTB control system used at PT Badak. The task of monitoring and supervising the processing area carried out by PTB is divided into several parts called domains. These 16 domains will forward the data that has been obtained to the Plant Information Management System (PIMS).
“PIMS will convey indications or monitoring to the supervisory level. PIMS can send data such as graphs and real-time values ??to other PIMS-clients or the office network,” said Ir. Rivon.
IOC Design
Ir. Rivon continued the presentation to the IOC integration design owned by PT Badak and SKK Migas. According to him, there are three main alternatives for the network model that can be used, namely dedicated networks, mirroring servers, and telemetry networks.
The dedicated network method will allow SKK Migas to access the company's servers via PTB's private network. With this method, connected parties can directly access the control system of PT Badak.
The server mirroring method will allow SKK Migas to access a copy of data (mirroring) from a server owned by the company so that it cannot access the control system. This method is considered much safer.
The telemetry network method will completely block internet access from SKK Migas but will still allow outgoing data to be sent via third parties. This method is considered the most secure and almost impregnable.
Reporter: Favian Aldilla R (Teknik Sipil, 2019)
Translator: Aghisna Syifa Rahmani (Biologi, 2020)