ITB FAD Student Wins Karate Championship
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Students of ITB do not only excel in academics but also in other fields- such as proven by Rahma Jehan Aleiva, who won 1st place at the Women Category of Karate Open Championship held at Laga Tangkas Arcamanik Sports Arena.
Rahma, a first-year student at ITB FAD, admitted that she has been pursuing karate since elementary school. Despite going through one of the most challenging years as a newly enrolled student in ITB, she was more motivated than ever to shine in the world of karate.
According to Rahman, her talent in martial arts was passed down by her mother. Her family’s full support is also one of the keys to her success, with various awards achieved throughout her life. Few to be named are the gold medal awards were given from the 2020 National Student Athletics Competition and the 2021 PPLP Lampung Nasional Championship, both in the High School Girls’ Division.
All of Rahma’s accomplishments began from a simple thought back in 3rd grade. “I thought that it would be cool for girls to be good at martial arts, and that spurs me to learn more about it and actively participate in matches.” She was grateful to gain invaluable knowledge during her journey, not only for the techniques and theory but also for shaping her psyche, mentality, and health.
The tumultuous college life does not stop Rahma from her karate life. Nowadays, she is preparing for the Provincial Sports Week Competition that will commence in August. Representing Central Java, she is in the middle of an intense training program while doing her academic duties as an ITB student.
Rahma mentioned that she would never be fully satisfied with her achievement and hoped to continue her karate career in national and international competitions. Her next target is to compete at the Provincial Sports Week Competition, National Sports Week Competition, and the World Shitoryu Karate Federation.
“Having a mentality and determination as strong as steel is important in the process of improving. With sincerity, we can be the best version of ourselves and go further,” Rahma advised.
Reporter: Pravito Septadenova Dwi Ananta (Geological Engineering, 2019)
Documentation: Rahma Jehan Aleiva
Translator: Ruth Nathania (Environmental Engineering, 2019)