Chinese Course UKT ITB, One Way to Face Globalization Era

Oleh Ninik Susadi Putri

Editor Ninik Susadi Putri

BANDUNG, - Public speaking skill and literacy are some of the life skills which are necessary in globalization era. With communication skill and good way of speaking, the process of information exchange and social interaction become easier and more qualified. This was the background proposed by UKT (Unit Kebudayaan Tionghoa) through the 'Chinese Course' program. According to the Chairman of the Division of Culture UKT, Adirizki Guritno (Astronomy 2011), the purpose of this program is to increase the ability of UKT members to speak mandarin. Furthermore, mandarin tutoring activities are expected to be the provision and preparation for a career member UKT life in the future. Additionally, with the ability to speak good mandarin expected UKT members can introduce Indonesian culture the translation of Indonesian folk tales into mandarin.
"By speaking mandarin, we hope young entrepreneurs, origin SBM-ITB, can do business and future cooperation easier with the entrepreneurs from China and Taiwan," Adirizki said in the interview. The Mandarin language tutoring activities routinely conducted every Tuesday at BOE building 3A and 3B room. The participants get guidance Mandarin language directly from Chinese teacher who comes from Qinghua Chinese institutions. In 2014, the tutoring began on the first week of February and ends in early May 2014. The course participants who are members of the UKT and non-UKT students, divided into two classes, namely classes beginners and intermediates. Each meeting tutoring which lasts for an hour and a half of this, supported by book learning according to grade levels. Currently, the class of 2013 students is the majority that follow the tutoring activities.

According to Josa (Mathematics 2012), it is important to continuously doing the Chinese Course and it needs to be maintained for the younger generation. Josa stated that China as a country with the largest population makes mandarin be possible to become the second language after English. Josa expect that this activity will make more and more young people are able to speak mandarin, so the exchange of information between China and Indonesia can become increasingly widespread and is expected to bridge between Indonesia and China in the era of globalization. At least the students can speak mandarin for personal purposes like tourism or student exchange trip or even be local activities," Josa said before ending the interview session.

About UKT

UKT is a club of ITB students which is actively doing cultural activities. It was founded in 2011. UKT own establishment initiated by students from civil engineering and SBM ITB 2010 originally just to get together and interact to each other. Then by the end, they thought to set up a club that is able to accommodate and preserve the Chinese culture as well as being a vehicle for self-development of its members. Through an approach that is designed to uphold equality, UKT-ITB accommodates students who have special interest in Chinese culture.

Officially and open, admission to all students UKT members ITB started running since the Open House Units (OHU) in September 2012. UKT accommodate activities such as Mandarin lessons every Tuesday, music and traditional painting practice every Wednesday, and practice dancing every Saturday. In addition to the cultural nuances of self-development as container members, UKT-ITB conduct business activities such as competitions and visit the work done at a certain time. To further familiarize and closer relationship among members UKT-ITB, culinary activities and afternoon coffee becomes one of their activities. Currently, members of UKT reach hundreds of members including the students of class of 2011, 2012, and 2013.

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