ITB Financial Industry Day #2: The Quality of Human Resources to Respond to Challenges in Global Financial Market

Oleh Owen Nixon Jimawan

Editor Owen Nixon Jimawan

BANDUNG, – Indonesian financial market has experienced massive growth. It pinpoints the requirements to keep the consistency of the growth by fortifying the regulation and enhancing the human resources because higher position means more challenges. Students as future agents that will occupy national and international financial market certainly need updated information source so that early preparation could go effectively. Looking at so many ITB alumni that contribute to and have careers in Indonesian financial market had inspired Research Consortium Financial Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (FinanMOS) P2MS ITB, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA ITB), Society of ITB Math Students (HIMATIKA ITB), and Unity of ITB Math Alumni (IA MA ITB) to conduct a series, ITB Financial Industry Days #2 to share insight about financial industry. It consisted of stadium generale, career talk, and financial market expo and was held at Aula Timur ITB for two days on Wednesday-Thursday (15-16/11/17).

Carrying the main topic “The Quality of Human Resources to Respond to Challenges in Global Financial Market”, ITB Financial Industry Days #2 2017 began with a remark by head of the committee, Maman Hermansyah. Besides continuing last year’s ITB Financial Day #1, Maman said that the committee wanted to equip students so that they will participate actively in building financial industry by preparing themselves. “We hope with this activity there will be more students that realize the potency of financial industry market so that preparation could be carried out effectively and in turn will help the realization of Indonesia financial market that is stable, strong, and globally reckoned,” said Maman. The event opened with remarks from Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA as the Rector of ITB. According to him, this event reminded us that, in crisis, we can make a model for that uncontrollable variable using math. He also believes that this mathematic model could anticipate occurring problems, and better comprehension about financial modeling will bring us in and win the competition.

The event that bring together regulators, financial market practitioners, and academics began with 2 panels on the first day, Best Practices in Cooperation between Industries and Academics for Skill Enhancement of Finance Practitioners and also Industrial Research and Indonesia Financial Market Experts Amidst Financial Market Development as well as future-proof of Mathematics Alumni. Both panel discussions would not have been complete without discussing how to apply science and knowledge acquired in future working environment. Career talk on the next day of the series served that purpose. Career talk discussed the chance and the mechanism of having a career in Indonesian financial industry. On ITB Financial Industry Day #2 there was also ITB Center for Financial Market as research center for development of method and mathematic model for solving issues on banking, capital market, insurance and other financial sector as an independent financial market analyst institution.

Photos: Personal Documentation

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