ITB Hosted The 5th RCBIOTECH
By Shabrina Salsabila
Editor Shabrina Salsabila

Appropriate with the purpose of the conference to be a chance to share the result of the biotechnology research, in this conference 57 results of biotechnology research was presented by each country parallelly. This parallel session was divided in to 5 themes, those were Biomass and Bioenergy, Bioproduct and Biomaterial, Bioprocess Engineering, Waste Treatment, and Food Technology. University that joined this conference were Universitas Dipenogoro (UNDIP), Universitas Malaysia (UM), Burapha University from Thailand, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT) from Vietnam, etc.
Moreover some of the research institute like Indonesian Institute of Science also be the presenter in this parallel session. The result of collaboration country research was also presented in this session, for example like the presentation about the application of Jathropa protein in non-food product which is the result from the research of the collaboration between ITB and Wageningen University, Netherlands.
On the last day Prof. Dr. Yasunori Tanji dari Tokyo Institute of Technology presented his plennary lecture about the trial to control the Staphylococcus aureus bactery that can cause Bovine Mastitis (inflammation in cattle's mammary gland) using the bacteriofag. Prof. Dr. Tjandra Setiadi from ITB was also presenting about his research on the membrane aplication in bioreactor to process various waste water from industry.
"We hope that this conference can connect all of the conference participants so that we can actualize biotechnology development both in Indonesia and around th world togetherly and can open the next collaboration chance," said Ronny.
Photo Source: William Wijaya Gozali