ITB Leads in Producing Successful Startup Founders in Indonesia
By Muhammad Arief Ardiansyah
Editor Muhammad Arief Ardiansyah

BANDUNG, – Venturra Capital, a venture capital firm and IPrice, an online shopping aggregator recently released their research result regarding educational background of successful startup founders in Indonesia. Beginning in June 2017, the research focuses on startup founders who receive big funding (Series A). Interesting about the research is the fact that Institut Teknologi Bandung becomes the leading higher education institution that produces startup founders with 14 founders.
From those 14 founders, 10 startups operating in various fields come. Those startups are Bukalapak, Jojonomic, eFishery, Snapcart, Kudo, Amartha, Adskom, UrbanIndo, and Agate. Bukalapak and Agate were each established by three ITB alumni. Bukalapak was established by Achmad Zaky, Nugroho Herucahyono and Muhammad Fajrin Rasyid while Agate was established by Shieny Aprilia, Arief Widhiyasa and Andrew Pratomo Budianto. Based on the research, ITB surpasses Bina Nusantara University and University of Indonesia which respectively hold the second and third place for most startup founder produced in Indonesia with eight and four founders. ITB even surpasses Harvard University, Purdue University and Stanford University for most Indonesian alumni as startup founders with eight, seven, and five founders respectively.
With that many alumni as successful startup founders in Indonesia, ITB affirms its status as Entrepreneurial University, an entrepreneurship-based university which is oriented to public interest while keeping on giving added value to its duties and responsibilities. This concept is brought by Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA as the Rector of ITB 2014-2019. Within this concept, ITB actively encourages its students, alumni, and lecturers to grow their entrepreneurship spirit and create works that benefit the society.