ITB Officially Opens Labtek 1 Building and a New Look to the North of Ganesa Campus

Oleh Muhammad Arief Ardiansyah

Editor Muhammad Arief Ardiansyah

BANDUNG, – Thursday (23/01/18) is a day full of excitement for civitas academica of Institut Teknologi Bandung. That day, ITB Rector officially opened the renovated Labtek 1 Building as well as the north gate that has been restructured in the last year. The addition of study rooms and a new look on the north end of the campus will build an even more exciting atmosphere in ITB Ganesa Campus.

ITB Rector, Prof. Kadarsah Suryadi, also attributed the construction of new buildings in ITB Ganesa to the effort and success of previous ITB Rectors. “This (Construction of new buildings) is done solely for our benefit and blessing for us all,” said the Rector.

New Function of Labtek 1 Building

Labtek 1 was previously a Laboratory owned by Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Like any other Labtek owned by ITB, Labtek 1 was the place for many laboratories and classrooms that support lecture activities. Renovation to Labtek 1 began after the end of CIBE (Center for Infrastructures and Built Environment) Building construction in the beginning of 2016/2017 academic year. CIBE now has better facilities than the previous Labtek 1 since CIBE is envisioned as the main pillar for ITB in facing the rapid infrastructure development that go in accordance with environment protection.

The above condition shifts the function of Labtek 1 in to supporting infrastructure for lecture activity. “Labtek 1 was previously functioned as laboratory, now we change it in to classrooms,” said Dr. Sigit Darmawan as the Director of Development of ITB. This is a good step for ITB since ITB needs classroom addition to comply with the increasing number of students each year. “The capacity (Classrooms in Labtek 1) varied from 40, 80, up to 120 students,” explained Dr. Sigit.

The Return of ITB’s North Gate

ITB’s North Gate had been inactive in 2013 for security reason. Today, the gate is reactivated at same time with the opening of three other entrances located near new buildings in ITB such as CRCS gate, CADL gate, and CIBE gate. Each has its own designation, especially for the North Gate which is designated as the access for pedestrian.

What is Interesting about this new face of ITB in the north is its modern design that attracts people to take selfies. The North Gate could also be an exciting place to refresh and to find inspiration for anybody visiting. “Hopefully (the North Gate) will create exciting, instead of ensnaring, atmosphere for studying,” concluded the Rector.

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