ITB Press Release on Welcoming New Students for the 2023/2024 Academic Year
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

Number: 654/IT1.B03.2/HM/2023
August 22. 2023
BANDUNG,- The ITB New Student Welcoming (PMB) activities for the 2023/2024 academic year will be centered for the first time at the ITB Jatinangor Campus as an effort to develop ITB's multi-campus academic atmosphere. The teaching and learning process for all First Year (TPB) students will be carried out at the ITB Jatinangor Campus.
The series of events welcoming the new class of 2023 students from 11 July to 27 August 2023 consisted of explanations of academic and student affairs from the Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs (WRAM) office and greetings from ITB student families to new ITB 2023 students. Various student issues will always be the focus of the WRAM Office and be part of creating an academic atmosphere to support the students’ education as future national leaders.
In the PMB event series, various activities focused on increasing the students’ readiness to enter the new academic world will be carried out, whether it be introductions to academics, campus life, educational styles, campus information, as well as facilities at ITB.
This PMB program will also include activities from students for students in the form of Student Family Study Orientation (OSKM) which will aim to help new students get to know the campus world from their seniors. This committee will be coordinated by students and also invite speakers and partners from various parties.
In the event to welcome new students, there are still a number of things that need to continue to be improved in quality so that the program for preparing new students in academics and student affairs becomes better. ITB regrets the emergence of several issues. For this reason, ITB apologizes for all the worries that arose. In this case, ITB views these matters as a form of attention and input from the community. Therefore, ITB is grateful and always open to input/criticism/suggestions from all parties for improvement.
ITB ensures that during PMB there will be no activities that will lead to what is currently in the spotlight, and directly anticipates it through internal coaching in the educational context.
The WRAM office which is responsible for all ITB academic and student affairs activities will continue to strive in creating a better academic and student atmosphere, especially for new ITB 2023 students in their first year of education at the ITB Jatinangor Campus.
ITB University Secretary
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Widjaja Martokusumo
Contact person:
ITB Head of Communication and Public Relations Bureau Dr. Naomi Haswanto, S.Sn., M.Sn.
Translator: Hanna Daniela Ayu, Aerospace Engineering 2021
Editor: Anggi Nurdiani (Management, 2021)