ITB Recognized MAKE Award 2008

Oleh kristiono

Editor kristiono

JAKARTA, – For the second time in rows ITB has got The 2008 Indonesian Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE) Award 2008. The title bestowed on Tuesday, July 15th 2008 at Mulia Hotel, Jakarta. Minister of Research and Technology, Mr. Kusmayanto Kadiman -also known as ITB rector predecessor- was among those participant of the ceremony. The 2008 Indonesian MAKE expert panel ranked the companies and institutions against the MAKE framework of eight key knowledge performance dimensions that are the visible drivers of competitive advantage. The criteria were creating and enterprise knowledge driven culture, Developing knowledge workers through senior management leadership, Delivering Knowledge based services, Maximizing enterprise intellectual capital, Creating an environment for collaborative knowledge sharing, Creating a learning organization, delivering value based on customer knowledge, and Transforming enterprise knowledge into shareholder value. Therefore, ITB recognized among five top institution which acknowledge for creating a learning organization. The Indonesian MAKE study is an established benchmark which recognizes Indonesia's leading organizations for their ability to leverage enterprise knowledge to deliver superior performance in the areas of innovation, operational effectiveness and excellence in products and services.

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