ITB Rector Emphasizes Scholarly Integrity in Inspiring October 2023 Commencement Address

Oleh Anggun Nindita

Editor Anggun Nindita

BANDUNG, — Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) celebrated The First Graduation of the 2023/2024 academic year at Sasana Budaya Ganesha Building, streamed on ITB's YouTube channel on Saturday (28/10/2023). With pride and gratitude, ITB Rector, Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D., addressed the 5,420 graduates, emphasizing their responsibility to society and the nation.

During the October 2023 Graduation, Prof. Reini underscored the significance of scholarly integrity in the graduates' future endeavors. Scholars, she noted, are individuals with profound knowledge, and scholarly titles come with a responsibility to exhibit behavior guided by knowledge – what is known as scholarly behavior. Achieving a balance between accomplishments and knowledge-led behaviors results in scholarly integrity.

While graduates possess ample knowledge to engage in society, the challenges of unresolved problems, social crises, and moral degradation persist. Prof. Reini acknowledged that despite advancements in knowledge and technology, economic disparities and environmental damage are prevalent. Moreover, the digital era, while democratizing information, has also given rise to hoaxes and false information.

The Rector delved into the complex relationship between knowledge and morality, highlighting two crucial factors: ignorance and neglect. She explained that humans inherently harbor partial ignorance, a limited understanding of certain phenomena or fields. Moral violations occur when partial ignorance is coupled with neglect, where individuals fail to acknowledge and address the negative impacts of their actions.

To prevent immoral behaviors and strengthen scholarly integrity, Prof. Reini advocated for openness and care. Openness involves actively participating in multidisciplinary activities and embracing a problem-solving approach that acknowledges the importance of diverse perspectives. This must be complemented by care for others, considering the consequences of decisions and actions to avert undesired outcomes.

The Rector emphasized that ITB's higher education is designed to meet the nation's need for knowledgeable individuals with strong character. She urged the 2023 graduates to not only be agents of knowledge but also agents of morality. Prof. Reini envisioned graduates who contribute not only intellectually but also ethically, fostering a robust scholarly integrity.

In conclusion, she stressed that knowledge without morality holds little value in life. As Indonesia aims for a Golden Indonesia in 2045, ITB graduates play a pivotal role in shaping the nation's future. Prof. Reini challenged the graduates to make a positive impact on society and the nation through their work, grounded in scholarly behaviors that uphold integrity.

Reporter: Pravito Septadenova Dwi Ananta (Geological Engineering, 2019)

Translator: Hanifa Juliana (Urban and Regional Planning, 2020)

Editor: Vera Citra Utami

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