ITB Rector : Trying To Make Ipteks Diffusion and Adoption

Oleh Shabrina Salsabila

Editor Shabrina Salsabila

BANDUNG, - Able to make science, technology, and art (Ipteks) as the source of nation prosperity enhancement is a must owned thing by every Ipteks bachelor. It was delivered by ITB Rector, Prof. Akhmaloka in his speech at the 3rd ITB Graduation 2012/2013 academic year.

Previously, students did their activity in laboratories or academic studios, however after graduated from the college a bachelor will enter the next stage of life. Prof. Akhmaloka called it "social laboratory or social studio". In academic laboratory or studio, students did scientific study with revealing the facts, testing some hypothesis, or developing a design.

Between the two stages there are two differences. First is the difference at the two laboratories context. When student did some activities at academic laboratory, the decision which they made and knowledge development that they did, would not generate any practical impact to another party, while in the social laboratory decision that someone make will make a practically impact to another party. It can be good or bad impact. For example the decision can decrease competitiveness of a company or people prosperity level.

Second, the difference of their complexity level. In academic laboratory, the subject that we will face is fellow academics such as lecturer, laboratory assistant, and another students. While in social laboratory, its subjects are more diverse and polychromatic. So that they will have different perspective. Besides that, the problem that should be solved also can be a multidiscipline or inter-agency problem. So that to find the solution, we have to collaborate with many parties that have different background. So the coordination and communication skill are much needed.

Ipteks Diffusion and Adoption

"Ipteks is very potential to make a change if followed by diffusion and adoption," said Prof. Akhmaloka. With diffusion and adoption, Ipteks can generate a practically problem solving in many fields such as in a company or the government.

Diffusion and adoption are not only do an application of Ipteks theories and concepts which were learned at colleges. However the more complex Ipteks application. So that every Ipteks bachelor is able to join the Ipteks study enrichment and the Ipteks diffusion and adoption can succeed.

"After Ipteks diffusion and adoption effort is done, then the primacy of Ipteks can be realized practically in many people's live," said Prof. Akhmaloka. At the end of the speech, Prof. Akhmaloka also gave a message that as an Ipteks bachelor, make Ipteks as a source of nation prosperity enhancement is a must.

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