ITB Researcher Invented a Bulletproof Panel from Rami Fiber
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Utilizing natural material, Institut Teknologi Bandung researcher developed a bulletproof panel product. Because of her innovation, Dr.rer.nat. Mardiyati, S.Si, M.T., was awarded as the best innovator at the PRIMA Award ITB 2021 event.
PRIMA ITB is an award that is presented to the categories of research, community service, and Innovation from the LPPM ITB in partnership with the ITB Research and Innovation Vice-Rector office.
"(This award) increase my motivation to do even better at innovating, so that later my innovations can become products that can provide us with solutions to the problems that we are facing together," said Mardiyati.
Dr. Mardiyati has invented a good number of innovations in the past. Some of those are even being produced by the LPiK ITB branch company. One of the newest innovations in 2021 is in the military field which was developed by Mardiyati and her team. That innovation is a bulletproof panel and Patrol Ship Modular Armor System.
"As we all know, Indonesia is a maritime country, and patrol ships are needed to protect its defense and security. Usually, the platform, hall, and engine cabin are equipped with a bulletproof panel to protect it from a gunshot. Most of our bulletproof modules or material is imported. We have the will to be self-supplied in this regard," said her.
*Minister of Defence Prabowo Subianto during his visit to ITB is inspecting the bulletproof panel that was produced by Dr. Mardiyati and her team (Photo: Humas ITB)
This motivation is what makes her, and her team moves forwards creating innovation using material that is available in Indonesia. From natural resources which have been studied thoroughly, Rami fiber was chosen as the material for this composite bulletproof panel. "Because this is a military product, of course, there are testing standards that we need to pass to make sure that this product is indeed applicable to use," added Mardiyati.
Dr. Mardiyati, which is a lecturer from the Material Science and Engineering (MSE) Research Group, Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (FTMD), explained that her product has been through the product shooting test at PT Pindad (Persero), in accordance with NIJ 0108.01 Level III standard using 7.62 mm ammunition at 5-meter firing distance. The sample that was provided by the team was able to pass this test.
"During the firing test, we received a lot of help from the Director of Technology and its Development PT PINDAD, which is Mr. Dr. Ir. Sigit Puji Santosa, M.SME.," she explained.
"It is a special happiness for us when we witness that this product which we developed was able to pass the firing test because it means that natural material in Indonesia can be utilized and has a great potential for further development and to help us to be more self-sufficient," she said.
According to Dr. Mardiyati, these challenges which are often faced by innovators are the ones that make her life more interesting. One of the challenges for an innovator in Indonesia is how to create a solution to a problem that exists in Indonesia using the limited resources. It can be from the natural resource or its human resource, with all its low and high.
The next challenge is that if our innovation is already tested, how do we present it so that this product can be practically used and attaint trust from our nation. "Of course, at this stage, the role of various parties is needed. The government, industry, academicians, and all components of the nation," she said.
Dr. Mardiyati delivered a message for the innovator from Indonesia, "To live this life as an innovator is a fun and challenging journey. Believe it, if our intention is subtle, to create a solution to a problem that exists in Indonesia through innovation, then your innovation will be very expected. Never stop innovating and creating a solution. We only live once and hopefully with our innovation; our life will be meaningful."
Reporter: Dheamyra Aysha Ihsanti (Urban and Regional Planning, 2019)
Translator: Favian Aldilla R (Civil Engineering, 2019)