ITB Scholarship Gathering Established Relationship and Appreciation to the Scholars

Oleh Annisa Mienda

Editor Annisa Mienda

BANDUNG, an embodiment of assistance to the students, Lembaga Kemahasiswaan (LK) ITB always tries to funneled scholarship programs either from the government, scholarship partners, or even ITB itself. Therefore, on Friday (13/03/15) LK ITB held "ITB Scholarship Gathering" to appreciate people who have contributed in scholarship programs in ITB. The event that took place in East Hall of ITB was also held to tighten the relationship with ITB's scholarship partners as well as to build better cooperation in the future.
This annual event was opened by an opening dance performed by Students' Cultural Group of North Sumatra. The event was continued by a speech from Brian Yuliarto, Ph. D. as the chairman of Lembaga Kemahasiswaan ITB, followed by the speech from Vice Dean of Academic and Students Division, Prof. Bermawi Priyatna Iskandar. In his speech, Prof. Bermawi delivered the role of scholarship in supporting the academic success of the students. He stated that many smart students need financial support from all components of this nation, such as governement, private sector, foundation, and alumnus. "We hope that in the future, we can provide more activities that involve ITB's scholarship partners, such as soft skill training, internship, and joint-research," said Prof. Bermawi.

In 2014, ITB have managed scholarship which amount reached 145 billion rupiah and funneled to 11.029 of ITB students. This fantastic numbers showed that 76% of ITB students gained scholarship. Seven percent of the scholarship was contributed by 42 companies, foundations, and institutions which are ITB's scholarship partners. Most of the scholarship was given in the form of subsidy of educational cost. Such thing is considered as IBT's commitment in embodying zero drop-out caused by financial problems.

"We are the solutions of problems that happen in this country. Such scholarship program is one of the roles that we could take part in, and we highly appreciate that," said Dr. Eng. Sandro Mihardi, Secretary of Students' Welfare and Character Developement Division in his opinion regarding general depiction of ITB scholarship during 2014.

In the event, every scholarship partner had the privilige of receiveing placard which was the symbol of mercy and appreciation from ITB. The scholars were also invited to the event so that they could interact with the providers of the scholarship. "Hopefully, such role could be followed by the scholars so that in the future, when they are all succeed, they are encouraged to contribute in the scholarship programs", said Sandro. At the end of the event, Rano Plambuan Dance performed by Students' Cultural Group of Aceh closed the event beautifully.

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