ITB Student Orchestra Presents: Concerto in G10
By niken
Editor niken

BANDUNG, itb,ac,id - In their first concert that took place on the Saturday (5/12/08), ITB Student Orchestra, ISO co-operated with several of the student's other units in ITB, like PAduan Suara Mahasiswa (PSM), Lingkung Seni Sunda (LSS), Apresiasi Seni (APRES), and Mahasiswa Bumi Swriwijaya (MUSI). The concert that was chaired by Gilang Ayu, was opened with the Palladio, the composition of Karl Jenkins, was played by ISO.
Not only classic songs was presented, but also the the regional song that was arranged in a modern way made by the spectator that made us enchanted and it's not heard boring. Presented how Tembang Alit, the Jaya Suprana creation that was played by the orchestra with Mahening Citra as the pianist's solo, well-off repeated by Aditya Farhan Arif that was the conductor in the concert this time. Not only the appearance of the orchestra was shown, also the appearance of the guitar ansambel that played La Partida, Valse Venezolano.
Mahasiswa Bumi Swriwijaya, MUSI, danced complete with his traditional Palembang costume, while the orchestra put forward Gending Sriwijaya by Addie M. S. How they dance and synchronized with the orchestra made the audience amazed. After that, ISO with Lingkung Seni Sunda, LSS, presented West Javanese regional song that really has been known by the community, Manuk Dadali.
Audience's amazement was again increased during the Symphony Raya - the Guruh Soekarnoputra creation - showed with Lya Alathas as sopranis and also when the Zamrud Khatulistiwa was sung by PSM and was accompanied with the orchestra. The modern song was then played forward by the orchestra, combined with music rock that was played by APRES and backing vocal from PSM.
Came as a guest star, Ammy C. Koerniawan that beforehand had appeared in Ammy Violin Concert & ITB Student Orchestra in the Barat Hall last 2006. Apart from being known as the solo violist, Ammy was bundled into the band 4Peniti and often appeared in Java Jazz. Ammy once had a colaboration with Bubi Chen, Harvey Malaiholo, Ruth Sahanaya and various other domestic singers.
In the end of the show, ISO colaborated with Ammy and APRES played Wring That Neck that was popularised by Deep Purple. Afterwards the show was closed with Time To Say Goodbye that was played by orchestra and Lya Alathas as sopranis as well as Restu Restu Sandika Kamaruddin as tenoris. This sweet and astonishing closing made the spectator dedicated standing applause after served for two very impressive hours.
Salute for Concerto in G10!
Mahasiswa Bumi Swriwijaya, MUSI, danced complete with his traditional Palembang costume, while the orchestra put forward Gending Sriwijaya by Addie M. S. How they dance and synchronized with the orchestra made the audience amazed. After that, ISO with Lingkung Seni Sunda, LSS, presented West Javanese regional song that really has been known by the community, Manuk Dadali.
Audience's amazement was again increased during the Symphony Raya - the Guruh Soekarnoputra creation - showed with Lya Alathas as sopranis and also when the Zamrud Khatulistiwa was sung by PSM and was accompanied with the orchestra. The modern song was then played forward by the orchestra, combined with music rock that was played by APRES and backing vocal from PSM.
Came as a guest star, Ammy C. Koerniawan that beforehand had appeared in Ammy Violin Concert & ITB Student Orchestra in the Barat Hall last 2006. Apart from being known as the solo violist, Ammy was bundled into the band 4Peniti and often appeared in Java Jazz. Ammy once had a colaboration with Bubi Chen, Harvey Malaiholo, Ruth Sahanaya and various other domestic singers.
In the end of the show, ISO colaborated with Ammy and APRES played Wring That Neck that was popularised by Deep Purple. Afterwards the show was closed with Time To Say Goodbye that was played by orchestra and Lya Alathas as sopranis as well as Restu Restu Sandika Kamaruddin as tenoris. This sweet and astonishing closing made the spectator dedicated standing applause after served for two very impressive hours.
Salute for Concerto in G10!